Issue No.: 
Groups audience: 
The Language Teacher

In this month’s issue . . .

Welcome to the May/June 2014 issue of TLT. Though school has started and your hectic life is back again, we hope you have managed to enjoy the spring break with cherry blossoms. I checked the May/June issue of 2011, issued right after the Great Earthquake in the Tohoku area. At that time, JALT and other organizations became involved in a number of fundraising projects, and JALT was asking members to help the victims of the devastated areas. We are deeply grateful to those who have taken action. Victims are still suffering from the slow reconstruction process. JALT sincerely hopes for their wellbeing and encourages JALT members to keep helping. 

In this month’s issue, in our Feature Article, Akie Yasunaga describes her analysis of the argument structures of 12 essays using Toulmin’s model of argument. Meanwhile, in Readers’ Forum, Tara McIlroy shares the results and insights from an interview with Michael Toolan about stylistics, coherence and language teaching, and Tomohito Hiromori suggests pathways toward a new framework of L2 motivation research from the perspective of dynamic systems theory.

Finally in Book Reviews, Anna Husson Isozaki takes a look at ELI Graded Readers: Teen and Young Adult Readers.

In this issue we say goodbye to our wonderful JIC editor, Richard Miller. We really appreciate three years of his informative columns and his hard work. Michael Parrish is our new JIC editor. We hope Michael will enjoy his editorship and we are looking forward to working with him.

As always, we really appreciate the hard work and dedication of all the volunteers at TLT. We hope that you find this issue enjoyable and helpful!

Toshiko Sugino, TLT Japanese Language Editor


本号のFeature Articleでは、安永明恵氏が日本人大学生の論証文(12編)を使って、効果的ライティングのために、トゥールミンの論証モデルを使用して調査分析を行っています。Readers’ Forumでは、Tara McIlroyが Michael Toolan氏をインタビューして、文章などの文体・一貫性と言語教授についてインタビュー内容を紹介し、廣森友人氏は、近年の第2言語学習に関わる動機づけ研究の課題を指摘した上で、それを解決するための新しい枠組みとしてダイナミックシステム理論を示唆しています。最後に、Book Reviewsで、 Anna Husson Isozaki氏が ELI Graded Readers: Teen and Young Adult Readersを紹介しています。

最後に、3年間もの長きにわたりJICの編集者として有益なコラムの提供をしてくださったRichard Miller 氏の努力に対しお礼を申し上げます。Michael Parrish氏が本号より新JIC編集者として就任しました。今後ともParrish氏と一緒に楽しく仕事ができることを楽しみにしています。


Toshiko Sugino, TLT Japanese Language Editor



In the final question on page 15 of the interview with Ken Hyland which appeared in the last issue of TLT, the title of his book published by Cambridge University Press, Disciplinary Identities: Individuality and Community in Academic Discourse, was incorrectly referred to as Distinguishing Identities. We apologize for this error.