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廣森 友人 - Hiromori, Tomohito, 明治大学 - Meiji University

Although L2 motivation studies conducted so far offer various insights into effective L2 instruction, they have also had several drawbacks, such as (1) they have used a “top-down” approach from theory and research to practice, thus lacking a situation-specific perspective, and (2) they have employed cross-sectional designs, thus lacking a developmental perspective. This paper states that Dynamic Systems Theory (DST), which originated in the fields of physics and mathematics, has the potential to serve as a valuable basis for overcoming these drawbacks. More specifically, it shows methodological procedures in verifying the factors that have an effect on increased or decreased L2 motivation from the viewpoint of DST, and examines DST’s potential for adaptation to research in the fields of applied linguistics and second language acquisition.
