Issue No.: 
Groups audience: 
The Language Teacher

In this month’s issue . . .

Greetings and welcome to the May/June 2013 issue of TLT. Did you get off to a good start with your new classes? Teachers and students are now enjoying a short break from school during Golden Week with nice weather, and preparing to cope with the long and hot rainy season in June.

In our Feature Articles, Howard Brown, Bethany Iyobe, and Paul Riley examine the use of student generated materials, and Robert Long introduces ETS’s Criterion online writing program and discusses its merits.

We have three articles in Readers’ Forum, Aaron Hahn first reviews two teacher training programs conducted by an ALT and by a Board of Education in terms of promoting Communicative Language Teaching (CLT), and next Cynthia Quinn develops assignment sheets to help students write effectively. Lastly Daniel Dunkley interviews Patricia Duff about language socialization and language teaching.

In My Share, there are four fresh ideas for the classroom. When you feel you need some changes in your new classes, you might try some of these. Nicholas Domjanic offers appropriate tasks for the first class, Mark Koprowski suggests a timed writing activity for improving students’ writing speed, Brett Davies describes a vocabulary building activity, and Elliot Patton proposes a productive dialog journal with a task-based checklist. In the Book Review section, Mathew W. Turner reviews Door-to-Door: A Complete Study Abroad Guide.

We are grateful to the many contributors and production staff members who helped complete this issue. We hope that you find the content helpful and practical. 

Emika Abe, TLT Japanese-Language Editor


本号のFeatureでは、Howard Brown、Bethany Iyobe、Paul Rileyの3人が学生の作成した教材の使用について検証し、Robert LongがETSのCriterionオンライン作文ソフトを紹介しその利点を論議しています。

Readers’ Forumでは、3本の記事があります。まず、Aaron HahnがALTと教育委員会による教師研修プログラムをコミュニカティブ・ランゲージ・ティーチングの推進という観点から調査し、Cynthia Quinnが学生の作文を効果的にするための宿題シートを開発し、最後にDaniel Dunkleyが言語社会化と言語教育についてPatricia Duffにインタビューを行っています。

My Shareでは、教室で使える4つの新しいアイディアを提供しています。新しいクラスで少し変化がほしいと感じたら、そのどれかを試してみてください。Nicholas Domjanicは初日のクラスで使えるタスクを、Mark Koprowskは学生の作文スピードを向上させるための時間制限付きの作文アクティビティを、Brett Daviesは語彙を増やすアクティビティを、Elliot Pattonはタスクに基づいたチェックリストつきの生産的な対話ジャーナルを提案しています。Book Reviewでは、Mathew W. TurnerがDoor-to-Door: A Complete Study Abroad Guideを論評しています。


日本語版編集長, 阿部 恵美佳