David McMurray

This inaugural issue of Grassroots Outreach informs us about the risks of submitting articles to some international journals, and recommends seminars and conferences in Japan where we can learn from intercultural specialists. In the first report, JALT Journal editor Melodie Cook and Howard Brown warn us about sending our academic manuscripts for publishing in untoward online journals, new entities that are springing up on the Internet known as predatory publishers.
Ever since 1979 when JALT became an affiliate of IATEFL (International Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language), members have benefited from liaising with other language teacher associations around the world and many of us have had papers safely published in the journals published by these international partners:

  • English Teachers’ Association of the Republic of China (ETA-ROC)
  • Far Eastern English Language Teachers’ Association (FEELTA)
  • International Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language (IATEFL)
  • Linguapax Asia (Linguapax Asia)
  • Korea Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages (KOTESOL)
  • Philippine Association of Language Teaching (PALT)
  • TESOL International Association (TESOL)
  • Thailand TESOL (ThaiTESOL)
  • Cambodia TESOL (CamTESOL)
  • Malaysia English Language Teaching Association (MELTA)
  • The International Academic Forum (IAFOR)
  • The Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language in Indonesia (TEFLIN)

First-time authors who require help to write a paper for Grassroots Outreach and other JALT publications can rest assured they will receive sound advice without paying fees by contacting the Peer Support Group (PSG), a volunteer group of writers and reviewers who collaboratively assist inexperienced writers to develop their manuscripts to a publishable level. Find out more about the PSG online <jalt-publications.org/psg>.
In the second report, Joseph Shaules, an associate professor at Rikkyo Graduate School for Intercultural Communication, shares anecdotes from his seminars and conferences to introduce JII (The Japan Intercultural Institute).
In addition to our international links, domestically JALT has partnered with AJET (The Association for Japan Exchange and Teaching), ESTEEM (The Elementary School Thematic Education Movement), ETJ (English Teachers in Japan), and JII. JII is a private, non-profit volunteer-based institute which is funded through membership fees, event sponsorship, and revenue generated by training seminars. It cooperates with major publishers, academic associations, and universities. Its executive advisory committee is chaired by Torikai Kumiko, dean of the Rikkyo University Graduate School for Intercultural Communication.
I hope that you enjoy reading this inaugural issue of Grassroots Outreach and that the reports might motivate you to take action to bring about positive change in our language teaching profession, locally here at home, as well as around the globe.