Issue No.: 
Groups audience: 
The Language Teacher

This month's issue

On behalf of my new coeditor, Jason Peppard, and all of The Language Teacher staff, I wish you a very happy New Year! We hope that 2012 will be productive and rewarding for you both professionally and personally. 

In this issue of TLT, we have a balance of articles that we hope you will find stimulating. Our first feature article by Ho Yamada explores effective ways to improve listening skills through shadowing. The second feature by Tohie Agawa is in Japanese and looks at raising motivation at the tertiary level by using cooperative learning techniques in digital storytelling.

In the Readers’ Forum section, we have a response to the article by Paul Stapleton published in the September-October issue. In it, Adam Lebowitz adds his voice to the ongoing debate about teacher evaluation in Japan. The other article by Megumu Doi andJohn Peters looks at how to keep students engaged by using collaborative learning.

In My Share, please check out some fresh ideas for the classroom provided by our colleagues Z. Zvi, David Harrison, Peter Wells, and Joseph Wood. Finally, in the Book Review section, Thomas Amundrud discusses Science research for non-native speakers of English and Jason White looks at MegaGoal intro: International edition.

In this first issue of the year, we are also pleased to announce our new column, Off the Wall, freshly developed by Adam Lebowitz. We would like to take this opportunity to welcome Adam to our team!

Also in this issue, we remember our friend and colleague, Matthew Walsh, who passed away at the end of 2011. Matt was a very active member of JALT and a vital member of the language teaching community. We are saddened by his passing and he will be missed. Please see the Grassroots section for a tribute to Matt by his close friend, Douglas Meyer.

We hope you enjoy this issue of TLT and wish you all the best.

Jennifer Yphantides, TLT Coeditor


新しい共編者Jason PeppardとTLTスタッフ一同に代わり新年のお喜びを申し上げます。2012年が皆様にとって公私共に実りある有益な年になるようお祈りします。

今月号には良い刺激となるバランスの取れた記事が掲載されています。まず、Feature ではHo Yamadaがシャドーイングでリスニングスキルを改善する効果的な方法を探求します。2つめのFeature記事はTohie Agawa による日本語論文で、協同学習によるデジタルストーリーテリングで大学生の動機づけを高める方法を検討します。

Readers’ Forumは9/10月号のPaul Stapletonの記事に対する応答です。Adam Lebowitzは日本における教員評価について、継続中の議論に意見を寄せます。次にMegumu Doi とJohn Petersが協働学習への学生の参加について調べます。

My Shareでは、Z. Zvi、David Harrison、Peter Wells、John Woodの教室での斬新なアイデアにご注目ください。最後にBook ReviewではThomas AmundrudがScience research for non-native speakers of Englishを論じ、Jason WhiteがMegaGoal intro: International editionを検討します。

この本年第1号では、Adam LebowitzがOff the Wallという新コラムを始めます。この場をお借りして歓迎したいと思います。

さらに今月号では、2011年末に天に召された同僚であり友人であるMatthew Walshに哀悼の意を表します。彼はJALTのとても活発なメンバーであり、語学教育コミュニティの重要なメンバーでした。大変惜しまれます。彼への追悼を込めたGrassrootsをご覧ください。


Jennifer Yphantides, TLT Coeditor