Issue No.: 
Groups audience: 
The Language Teacher

Special Issue: JALT2011 Pre-conference Issue

Plenary speaker articles

  • What's new in autonomy? by Phil Benson
  • Acts of Identity: Typical and New English Learners by Laurel Kamada
  • Exploring Teacher Competence in Language Teaching by Jack C. Richards
  • Interview with Ken Wilson, Author, Teacher, and Teacher Trainer by Steve Cornwell
  • Communication, confidence, and achievement in public school English by Emiko Yukawa
Featured speaker articles
  • The reflective teacher: Towards self-actualization by for world citizenship in the language classroom by Kip A. Cates 
  • Using genre-based teaching to support the development of oral skills by Phil Chappell
  • Teaching young learners in a global context by Fiona Copland
  • What makes a good teacher? Studying expertise in teaching skills by Keith Johnson
  • The M&M’s of teaching English to young learners by Kathleen Kampa
  • 5 Eureka language moments by Tom Kenny
  • Participating in academic publishing: Entering the conversation and joining the community by Theron Muller
  • Getting started with quantitative research: A first study by Gregory Sholdt


We on the conference team are pleased to invite you to Tokyo to Teach, Learn and Grow with us at JALT2011. This year’s conference will again be a celebration of ideas and the language teaching community and we look forward to welcoming you in Tokyo.

When Lafcadio Hearn moved to Tokyo, he inherited a dog, which guarded his house at night and wandered free during the day. Neighbors fed it scraps; children rode on its back, and it was welcome wherever it roamed. When a dog patrol seized the animal, neighbors protested, saying it may be without a master, but it was no stray. They were told the dog would be released if someone would place their name upon it. Hearn readily agreed to apply his name. But soon others followed: shopkeepers, craftsman—even the local temple signed on. No dog was ever so well protected. And the community itself was better for having united around this motley dog.

The ideas we support are much like this masterless dog, and a conference is where we gather as a teaching community to affirm them. At a previous conference I attended a presentation on the Silent Way, a somewhat obscure method, but one which influenced my teaching for a time. I was pleased to re-acquaint myself with this old friend and the presentation led me to consider whether it still had relevance for my teaching. I was glad it still lived on among us, in scattered classrooms and at conferences. Perhaps it will come into wider currency one day, but for now it survives as part of our rich language teaching heritage, ready to make a contribution to our personal teaching repertoire, or to inspire new ideas.

When we gather around ideas, we can go beyond research findings. We can share our blunders and cautionary tales. And more importantly, we can talk about the next big project and meet like-minded teachers and future collaborators.

For these and other reasons the 400 plus presentations, poster sessions and forums are much more than can ever be delivered in papers or published in the proceedings. Add to this four excellent plenary sessions: Jack Richards on teacher competences, Laurel Kamada on how identity interacts with early experiences of English, Phil Benson on learner autonomy, Ken Wilson on motivation, and the JALT Junior plenary speaker, Emiko Yukawa, on the connection between elementary school and junior high school English; 10 Featured Speaker Workshops, the English Materials Exhibition and numerous social events and you have every reason to join us Teaching, Learning and Growing at JALT2011.

For more information about the conference, to register, and to book your hotel room, please consult the Conference Preview included with this issue of The Language Teacher.

Stan Pederson, JALT2011 Conference Chair


Welcome to the July / August Special Pre-Conference Issue. In this edition of TLT, readers will find short papers (and one interview) previewing the plenary talks ofJack C. Richards, Phil Benson, Laurel Kamada, Ken Wilson, and Emiko Yukawa (JALT Junior).We are also pleased to present papers (and another interview) by some of our distinguished Featured Speakers, including Andrew Boon, Kip A. Cates, Philip Chappell, Fiona Copland, Keith Johnson, Kathy Kampa, Tom Kenny, Theron Muller, and Gregory Sholdt. Along with this special content comes some of our regular fare. This issue’s Feature Article by Michael Crawford and Yasuo Ueyama looks at teaching reduced forms from textbooks. There are also two Readers’ Forums. The first, by James York, offers suggestions to teachers of young learners on how to use music in the classroom. The second, by Meredith Stephens, addresses the issue of why prosody should be taught before basic reading. We at TLT hope the content of this issue will both whet your appetite for the upcoming conference and support your endeavors in the classroom.

Jennifer Yphantides, TLT Coeditor


JALT2011開催委員会は、“Teach, Learn and Grow”をテーマとする東京での年次大会に皆様をお誘いします。本年も様々なアイディアや語学教育コミュニティが集まるこの祭典への、皆様のご参加をお待ちしています。




このように様々な理由から、400以上の口頭発表、ポスター発表、フォーラムは論文やプロシーディング以上のことをもたらしてくれます。基調講演では、教師の能力に関するJack Richards、早い時期の英語とアイデンティティの関係についてのLaurel Kamada 、学習者自律に関するPhil Benson、動機づけのKen Wilsonなど4つの講演に加えて、JALT Juniorの基調講演者Emiko Yukawaが小学校英語と中学英語の関係について述べます。10の招待講演、英語教材展、数多くのイベントがありますので、ぜひJALT2011においでください。

参加登録や宿泊などに関しては、本号に付属していますConference Previewをご覧ください。

Stan Pederson, JALT2011 Conference Chair


年次大会特集号へようこそ。本号では、基調講演者のJack C. Richards、Phil Benson、Laurel Kamada、Ken Wilson、そしてJALT Junior のEmiko Yukawaの講演内容を前もって少しご紹介します。また、招待講演者のAndrew Boon、Kip A. Cates、Philip Chappell、Fiona Copland、Keith Johnson、Kathy Kampa、Tom Kenny、Theron Muller、Gregory Sholdtの論文やインタビューもあります。さらに、通常のFeatureでは、Michael CrawfordとYasuo Ueyamaがテキストで弱形を教えることについて検証しています。Readers’ Forumでは、James Yorkが年少者を教える教師に対して教室での音楽の使用を提案しています。また、Meredith Stephensは基本的なリーディングを教える前になぜ韻律を教えるべきかを論述しています。本号の内容が2011年次大会への参加を促し、教室での皆様の実践を支援できるよう願っています。

Jennifer Yphantides, TLT Coeditor