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Andrew Boon, Kip A. Cates, Philip Chappell, Fiona Copland, Keith Johnson, Kathy Kampa, Tom Kenny, Theron Muller, and Gregory Sholdt


The reflective teacher: Towards self-actualization

Andrew Boon


In the act of teaching, we have little time to reflect on the successes or puzzles that occur within our classes and can lose valuable opportunities for gaining insights into our pedagogic practice. There is a need, therefore, for practical ways to help us think back upon our experiences more deeply and to discover what is actually happening in our classrooms. This workshop discusses the process of becoming reflective and the journey towards pedagogic self-actualization. It also provides a number of strategies and frameworks that can be used by teachers to facilitate critical reflection on their teaching and find new discoveries, possibilities, and ideas for research themes there.




Teaching for world citizenship in the language classroom   

Kip A. Cates


In our globalized world of the 21st century, we need young people who can communicate effectively in foreign languages, who appreciate the cultural diversity of our global village, who strive to promote international understanding, and who can contribute to solving the global issues that face our planet. This requires an approach focused on “teaching for world citizenship” designed to stimulate interest in the wider world, promote cross-cultural empathy, foster critical thinking, and encourage social responsibility. The foreign language classroom can be an exciting place for students to acquire this "global literacy" as they develop language and communication skills. This featured speaker workshop will explain how a global education approach to language teaching can help prepare young people for socially responsible citizenship in a multicultural world. It will outline how teachers can bring an international perspective into their classrooms through resources, materials, and activities featuring meaningful content on real-world topics.




Using genre-based teaching to support the development of oral skills

Phil Chappell


Second language learners who are in high enclosure settings (with restricted access to authentic language use by the target discourse communities) can have greater difficulties than others in learning the discourse conventions of those communities. Genre-based teaching (GBT) is designed to bridge this gap and has achieved successes in the teaching of literacy skills. It can also be applied to the teaching of oral language skills.

In this workshop, the theoretical background to GBT will be explored. Participants will carry out explorations of texts which represent different spoken genres, analyzing the texts at a variety of levels. Following this, the GBT framework will be introduced, and participants will have the opportunity to reflect upon and discuss how appropriate GBT is for their own teaching contexts.

Upon completion of this workshop, participants should have a clearer idea of the theoretical bases of GBT, have exposure to analyzing spoken texts, and have considered the pedagogic framework of GBT.

第2言語学習者は、目標談話コミュニティーによる自然な言語使用にあまり触れることのできない非常に隔離された環境にいる場合、その談話規則を学習する際に他の学習者より苦労する。ジャンルに基づく指導(Genre-based teaching)はこのギャップを埋めるためのもので、読み書きスキルの指導に効果的だが、オーラルスキルの指導にも応用できる。 





Teaching young learners in a global context

Fiona Copland


In this workshop, we will look at example activities for teaching young learners suggested by teachers of English around the world as part of the Aston University/British Council project, “Tasks for Teaching Young Learners.” We will ask, “Would these activities work in my learning and teaching context?” and “What adaptations would be necessary to make them work?” Workshop participants will be invited to bring their own favourite activities on a sheet of A4 paper to hang on the “Best Activities” line for sharing with others. Participants at the workshop should leave with an understanding of the challenges faced by young learner teachers around the world and how some of these challenges are met.  They should also leave with some great new ideas to try out in their own classrooms.




The M&M’s of teaching English to young learners

Kathleen Kampa


Discover the power of music, movement, and multiple intelligences (MI) to create a dynamic learning environment for your students.

Music is celebrated in many cultures around the world. Its universality can be found in its shared structures. Music enhances memorization, a critical process in language acquisition. Movement invites students to learn by doing, a process that builds neural networks in the brain and throughout the body. However, are music and movement effective for all learners? Do we need more ways for students to learn?

In this session, we’ll look at how music and movement can help young learners succeed in the EFL classroom. We’ll look at how multiple intelligences strategies can complement music and movement. We’ll explore ways in which these strategies can be used immediately in your classroom. Join us as we sing, move, and let all of our intelligences soar!


本講演では、音楽と運動がどのようにEFL教室で若い学習者を学ばせる手助けをするかを検証する。また、多重知性ストラテジー(Multiple intelligences strategies)がどのように音楽と運動を補完するかを考察する。これらのストラテジーをどのように教室で使用するかも考える。本講演に参加して、一緒に歌ったり、動いたり、知性を大いに高めたりしてほしい。



5 Eureka language moments

Tom Kenny


Some people are athletes or artists or good with numbers, but I’m not good at any of that, so I stick with what I know: Language. I’m okay at it. I make mistakes in English, my native language, regularly, but I’m basically a language person. I’m also a teacher. That was a conscious decision on my part. You see, I was never a very good student at anything, so that gives me a special insight into the minds of students who are just average. Which is not to say that I’ve never had any flashes of inspiration. I’ve had at least five that I can name, five Eureka moments that unquestionably contributed to my growth as a learner, a teacher, and a devotee of language. In fact these moments of realization have all influenced my approach to language teaching. In the spirit of our JALT 2011 theme of growth, I want to share these moments and their influence on my classroom practice as you examine your own growth in learning and teaching.




Participating in academic publishing: Entering the conversation and joining the community

Theron Muller


This interactive workshop is divided into two parts. The first illustrates how audience members can become legitimate participants in academic publishing by explaining different journal systems, including The Language Teacher, the JALT Conference Proceedings, and the Asian EFL Journal family of journals. Attention will be given to where participants can contribute by becoming members of the journals’ communities of practice, through volunteering or through authoring papers for publication. The second part will cover successful production of academic discourse. It will include activities like changing samples of academic papers to better meet publication requirements, and will also consider how writers can successfully access the resources necessary for successful academic production. Participants should expect to gain a better understanding of the systems of academic journals, where they could become participants in those systems, and how they can approach writing articles which have a greater chance of being accepted.

本ワークショップは、発表者と参加者がインタラクティブに協力し合う形で進められる。まず始めに、The Language TeacherThe JALT Conference ProceedingsそしてAsian EFL Journalなど異なる学会誌のシステムを説明し、参加者が学会誌編集のメンバーや、論文の投稿者となってロールプレイをすることにより、それぞれの立場についての認識を明確にする。次に、学術論文の出版を成功に導くためには具体的にどのようにしたらいいかを述べる。その際、アクティビティ形式でサンプルの論文を使い、出版のためのガイドラインに見合う形で校正し、またどのように論文提出先の学会誌を選定したらいいかを検討する。参加者が学会誌編集のシステムについて理解を深めるとともに、編集への参加や投稿論文の出版に一歩でも近づけるよう支援する。



Getting started with quantitative research: A first study

Gregory Sholdt


Making the transition from teacher to teacher-researcher can result in a range of classroom and career benefits: from improved learning environments and deeper professional satisfaction to publications and job opportunities. However, getting started in classroom-based research can be a bewildering endeavor without training or guidance. The goal of this workshop is to provide a template for a simple and versatile quantitative research design that can be adapted to fit a variety of research topics and can be implemented in most language classroom settings. Working together in small groups, participants will explore potential research topics, complete a set of worksheets that outline the key steps of a quantitative study, and leave the workshop with a clear research plan tailored to their personal interests. Additionally, the presenter will introduce and explain a unique opportunity for teachers to join a collaborative research project built on this approach to professional development through classroom-based research.
