2014 JALT National Elections
Call for Nominations
JALT elections for national officers will be held in 2014. All current JALT members are invited to participate in the process. Voting will be held in September. Now, you are invited to nominate JALT members in good standing who have suitable experience for national office. 
  • President: The President has general responsibility for coordinating the activities of the Executive Board and for directing and publicizing the affairs of JALT. He/she presides at Executive Board and Board of Directors’ meetings. The President, with the approval of the Executive Board, appoints the heads of committees, subcommittees, and boards not specified in the constitution and bylaws. The President is a member of all committees. Voting status is designated by the bylaws.
  • Vice President: The Vice President presides at meetings in the absence of the President and shares the duties and the responsibilities of the presidency. In the absence of both the President and Vice President, another member of the Executive Board, appointed by the President, shall chair the meeting. The Vice President chairs the Administrative Committee and supervises the running of all aspects of JALT Central Office.
  • Director of Membership: The Director of Membership is responsible for overseeing JALT membership records; coordinating the formation of new affiliates, chapters, and SIGs; formulating and implementing policies governing their relationship to JALT; and assisting in membership drives. The Director of Membership chairs the Membership Committee.
  • Director of Program: The Director of Program is responsible for supervising the arrangements for the Annual Conference and for planning special programs and workshops for various chapters and SIGs. The Director of Program chairs the Program Committee.
  • Director of Public Relations: The Director of Public Relations is responsible for coordinating JALT publicity nationally and internationally; promoting relations with educational organizations, media, and industry; finding and developing new Associate Members and institutional subscribers; coordinating Associate Member relations with the business manager and the Director of Program; and liaising with the Publications Board on all matters related to publications. The Director of Public Relations chairs the External Relations Committee.
  • Director of Records: The Director of Records is responsible for recording and keeping the minutes of Executive Board Meetings and General Meetings, and for keeping the chapters and SIGs informed of the activities of the national organization. The Director of Records chairs the Records and Procedures Committee.
  • Director of Treasury: The Director of Treasury maintains all financial records, is responsible for collecting and disbursing all funds of the organization, and presents an account of the financial status of the organization at a General Meeting. The Director of Treasury chairs the Finance Committee.
  • Auditor: The Auditor’s duties include the following: inspect the status of business conducted by the Directors; inspect the status of assets of JALT; report to the General Meeting or the concerned governmental authority if, as a result of the inspection specified in the preceding items, improper conduct or important facts indicating violation of laws, regulations, or the Articles of Incorporation with regard to the business or assets of JALT is discovered; convene the General Meeting, if necessary, to submit a report as specified in the preceding item; and present opinions to the Directors on the status of business conducted by the Directors or the status of assets of JALT.
Term of Office: All terms are for two years and start immediately after the Ordinary General Meeting that will be held on 23 November 2014 (Sunday) at the JALT2014 international conference. JALT2014 will be held at Epochal Tsukuba International Congress Center, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, 21-24 November 2014.
You can nominate yourself or any other JALT members for any of the positions, with the limitation that you can nominate only one person per position. Please note that any person nominated must be a current member of JALT. Please clearly indicate membership number(s), affiliation(s), and contact information as part of your nomination. Nominations must be sent by email to Bernadette Luyckx <nec@jalt.org>, JALT Nominations and Elections Committee Chair. Nominations must include a brief resume of most recent educational history, current position,  JALT experience, and a statement of purpose for the position, in both English (not more than 200 words) and Japanese (not more than 200 characters). Nominations must be submitted by 15 May 2014.
広報担当理事:広報担当理事は下記の任務を有する。(1)本学会の国内外の広報活動を統括する。(2)他の教育団体、報道機関、産業界との交流を促進する。(3)新たなビジネス会員、法人購読会員を獲得する。(4)ビジネス マネージャー・企画担当理事とビジネス会員間の調整役をつとめる。(5)出版関連の事項で、出版委員会との連絡役をつとめる。広報担当理事は、渉外委員会の議長をつとめる。
選挙管理委員会 委員長
Eメール <nec@jalt.org>
JALT Environmental Impact Committee
JALT established an Environmental Impact Committee at the June 2013 EBM. We are investigating ways to make JALT a greener organization. If you have any suggestions, big or small, or require further information, please contact <greenjalt@gmail.com> or <brentoldchap@hotmail.com>.
New JALT Associate Members
OISE English Language Coaching
OISE English Language Courses are purpose built for ambitious learners who are looking to excel in an international business or academic environment. The courses focus on all aspects of language learning and develop key soft skills by exposing students to different teaching methods and tasks for a dynamic and immersive programme. Students emerge as confident and proficient users of English. Courses are bespoke and flexible, and classes are taught in small groups for a wholly personalised experience. Teachers come from different professional and academic backgrounds so any subject and level of English can be catered for, whether it be an advanced learner wishing to study specialised language for career advancement, a student wishing to take an exam for entrance into an English speaking university, or a complete beginner. Training centres are located throughout the UK, the USA, Canada, and Australia. OISE also offers summer and year round courses in England, USA, Canada, and Australia for teenagers and young children from ages 7-17.
Kumon English Immersion Camp (EIC)
Kumon English Immersion Camp (EIC) began in 2001 to nurture children who can have successful experiences communicating in English, accept each other’s differences, and contribute to the global community. Third to sixth graders who have passed Eiken (STEP) Grade 5 can apply for four-day camp and those who have passed Eiken (STEP) Grade 4 or above can apply for a six-day camp. EIC enables them to communicate with people from different countries and backgrounds. 
Aims of English Immersion Camp:
To allow children to experience successful communication, using English as a global language.
To allow children to share a communal lifestyle with people from different countries and to realize the importance of understanding each other.
To allow children to have confidence to actively challenge the unfamiliar and to strive for higher goals. 
EIC slogan “Don’t be afraid of making mistakes. Let’s try communicating in English.” 
What is important is not for them to use English without making mistakes, but to use English without the fear of making mistakes. 
Kumon English Immersion Camp (EIC)は英語のコミュニケーションの成功体験を持ち、お互いの違いを受け止め、地球社会に貢献する子どもたちを育てるために2001年より始まりました。小学校3~6年生が対象で、英検5級に合格した生徒は4 daysキャンプ、英検4級以上に合格した生徒は6 daysキャンプに応募することができます。また、EICを通じて子どもたちは色々な国や異なるバックグラウンドの人たちとコミュニケーションすることができるようになります。
広報部 グローバルネットワークチーム
Tel: 06-6838-2683 Fax: 06-6838-2664