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Mitsuko Tanaka, Ritsumeikan University

In this study, I explored a potential personality bias in peer assessment of EFL oral presentations. First-year Japanese university students enrolled in an oral presentation class (N = 21) made presentations and evaluated their classmates’ presentations over two semesters. Rater severity was estimated using the many-facet Rasch measurement model. Raters’ personality traits were assessed based on their responses to a questionnaire containing 4 variables: dogmatism, individuality, evaluation apprehension, and dependency on others. The results of 2 multiple stepwise regression analyses showed that whereas personalities were not associated with rater severity in the beginning, dependency on others and evaluation apprehension significantly predicted rating severity as time went by. Whereas those with high dependency on others (who valued harmony with others) became more lenient, those with high evaluation apprehension became more severe in their assessment of their classmates’ presentations. These findings indicate a potential personality bias in peer assessment of EFL oral presentations.
