Issue No.: 
Groups audience: 
JALT Journal

In This Issue


In this issue, attitudes and motivation of both teachers and students are the focus—from a number of different perspectives. First, Akihiro Omote uses quantitative and qualitative methods to explore changes in teacher efficacy with respect to the language of instruction. Then, Joshua Kidd examines a phenomenon all educators in Japan are probably familiar with: peer collaboration in the classroom that is unsanctioned by the teacher. Next, David Shea uses qualitative data to examine the orientation of advanced level university students to English. Then, in a Japanese-language article, Junya Fukuta, Yu Tamura, and Akari Kurita investigate to what extent oral-communication-oriented activities in junior high school textbooks met task criteria for promoting authentic meaningful communication. Finally, in our Research Forum, Mitsuko Tanaka addresses the question of bias in student peer assessment of oral presentations.


Seven book reviews, about texts that range across the four skills and beyond, are published in this issue. Thomas Amundrud opens with a look at spoken discourse, from a book of that very title. In the second review, Robert Andrews covers a workbook for academic writing based on investigations and models of the popularized research article genre. John Eidswick draws on personal and professional experience in his review of an edited volume on bilingual development. The fourth review, from Peter Hourdequin, features the cultural, ideological, and pedagogical transitions in Japan. Following that, Harumi Kimura examines Positive Psychology in SLA, an edited volume with contributions from several Japan-based researchers and practitioners. In the sixth review, Branden Kirchmeyer explores a text that includes Internet resources for how to teach pronunciation. Finally, Adam Murray looks at another specific skill in his review of a monograph on listening strategy instruction.

Editor’s Message

This is my final issue as JALT Journal Editor, and there are so many things to be thankful for. First and mostly importantly I am grateful for all the people I met, mostly only in cyberspace but also in person. I had many enjoyable exchanges with members of the Publications Board, reviewers, and authors—and some became friends. This is what I will miss most of all when I step down. I also sincerely appreciated the chance to read a large variety of research, although taking advantage of this was not always easy or convenient. This has been a great opportunity for professional development, and I would like to encourage readers to avail themselves of similar opportunities by becoming involved in JALT publications.

My appreciation goes to the authors and reviewers who contributed to this issue, without whom the journal would not be possible. The review process is very long and requires a great deal of work on both sides. The reviewers deserve recognition for their effort and patience as well as my sincere gratitude. Aleda Krause and the proofreaders are also vital to the publication of the JALT Journal. I am indebted to Consulting Editors Melodie Cook and Greg Scholdt for all of their help as well. Melodie patiently helped me to learn the ropes and Greg was always available for consultation. Lastly, I leave the JALT Journal with Eric Hauser, who has collaborated with me for the past 2 years. I am grateful for his help and I am confident that he will be successful in the position of Editor.