When native speakers of English (NSs) listen to non-native speakers' (NNSs)
spoken discourse, there is sometimes a perception of incoherence. Tyler and
Bro (1992) have suggested that this is often due to miscues. 11lis study examines
the unplanned spoken discourse of four NNSs elicited via oral proficiency
interviews to see how pervasive such miscues are and what form they take.
Miscues in the area of specifiCity, the verb phrase, and logical connection are
investigated. The results suggest that specificity and logical connection playa
significant part in creating incoherence in the discourse, but miscues in the
verb phrase are less important. The implication is that such miscues need to
receive more attention from teachers and students in the classroom.
May 2001
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V. Michael Cribb, Kansai Gaidai University