This study explores the types of language learning motivation possessed by
Japanese EFL learners from diverse learning milieus. Research on L2 motivation
has long been conducted within the paradigm of social psychology. However,
the revival of interest in L2 motivation in the 1990s shows a clear shift to an
educational focus in which L2learners' cognitive and affective characteristics
and classroom considerations have become major areas of concern. Following
this trend, the present study employed a 50-item motivational questionnaire
based on several motivational components from educational and social
psychology. The questionnaire was administered to 1,027 participants from
various learning contexts. Exploratory factor analysis confirmed six
motivational factors and the follow-up multivariate analysis of variance
(MANOVA) indicated that some factors are characteristic of certain language
learning milieus, while others are common to all situations. The results are
discussed in terms of the motivational characteristics of EFL learners inJapan.
May 2001
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Yuzo Kimura, Naruto University of Education; Yoshiyuki Nakata, Kyushu International University; Tomomi Okumura, Higashi-Otsu Senior High School