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近藤真治, 福井医科大学; 楊瑛玲, 岐阜大学


Foreign language anxiety is becoming an important area of research in our profession.  Debilitating language anxiety can have profound consequences on the language learning process.  The purpose of the present study is to construct a scale to measure the anxiety that Japanese students experience in English language classrooms.
     First, a pilot test was developed from open-ended questionnaires administered to 148 university students describing specific situations that had made them anxious in English language classrooms, and from five extant scales of foreign language anxiety developed in the U.S. and Canada (Ely, 1986; Gardner, 1985; Horwitz, Horwitz, & Cope, 1986; MacIntyre & Gardner, 1994; Young, 1990).  A total of 317 anxiety-producing situations were initially identified from the students’ reports and 90 items from the extant scales.  Elimination of duplicate situations reduced the set of items to the following 12 dimensions: listening, speaking, reading, writing, being asked questions, mistakes, information processing, classroom activities, other classmates, teachers, language skills, and course work.  Thirty-eight pilot test items, representing the 12 dimensions, were constructed and administered to 213 university students in first year and second year English classes.  Each item was followed by a six-point Likert response scale.  Results of factor analysis revealed that English language classroom anxiety was composed of three factors: anxiety about (a) low proficiency in English (e.g., I am anxious about whether I will be able to keep up with the classes), (b) evaluation from classmates (e.g., I am anxious that other students might think I am poor at English), and (c) speaking activities (e.g., I feel nervous when I speak English in class).  The test-retest reliability for an interval of eight weeks was .85 for the general scale, and .85, .77, and .71 for the three subscales respectively.  The internal consistency, using Cronbach’s alpha coefficient, was .92 for the general scale, and .89, .84, and .82 for the subscales respectively.  The present scale was determined to be highly reliable.  The validity of the scale was assessed by its correlations with Leary’s (1983) Interaction Anxiousness Scale and with Shioya’s (1995) scale of cognitive appraisals of English learning skills and costs.  It was posited that those who have high English language classroom anxiety tend to feel anxious in social situations and to consider English language learning troublesome.  The general scale and the three subscales were all significantly and positively correlated with both Leary’s and Shioya’s scales, verifying the validity of the present scale.  Limitations of the present study and implications for future research were discussed.
