Michael Lessard-Clouston, Fiona MacGregor, Cheryl Kirchhoff, Byron O'Neill, and Gerry Lassche



  • Teaching English to the World: History, Curriculum, and Practice (George Braine, Ed.) Reviewed by Michael Lessard-Clouston
  • Practical English Usage (3rd ed.) (Michael Swan) Reviewed by Fiona MacGregor
  • Spoken English, TESOL and Applied Linguistics (Rebecca Hughes, Ed.) Reviewed by Cheryl Kirchhoff
  • The Language of Language: Core Concepts in Linguistic Analysis (2nd ed.) (Madalena Cruz-Ferreira and Sunita Ann Abraham) Reviewed by Byron O'Neill
  • Text, Context, Pretext: Critical Issues in Discourse Analysis (Henry G. Widdowson) Reviewed by Gerry Lassche