Steven Lim, Jesse Reidak, George M Jacobs


The first column in this three-part series on writing a textbook covered the steps for conceptualizing your project. In this second column, the focus shifts to identifying some of the unique challenges involved in the process of writing a book collaboratively and advice on how to handle these issues. 

When pedagogical books are written by authors across multiple countries and in differing teaching environments, there is the opportunity for a variety of experiences, opinions, and ideas to coalesce in one text. However, for the sake of the book, it is necessary that this multitude of voices be in harmony so that readers can utilize it effectively. This article attempts to show how structure and consistency can be maintained in a collaborative writing project and offers advice on how team members can contribute throughout the ever-evolving writing process. 


Create Structure Through Headings

Headings underscore the core goals of the text and provide signposting to key information in a comprehensible and digestible manner. Since headings can serve as an effective way for the reader to mentally organize pertinent material (Lorch Jr. et al., 2001), it is important to utilize them strategically. 

Headings should be self-explanatory and repeated across chapters to swiftly orientate the readers. Cognitive science suggests that our minds work via schemas (i.e., frameworks) that prepare us for what comes next. For example, if the heading says "ChatGPT", readers will begin thinking about artificial intelligence, but if the heading says "Chat Group", they might begin thinking about conversing with other people online. By repeating headings across chapters, a book establishes schemas which allow the reader to dial into the purpose of the section. In the case of our book, all 17 of the chapters on the sustainable development goals (SDGs) have headings which are identical save for the name of the SDG. For example, the chapter on climate action has the headings: What is Climate Action?, Key Terms, How are we doing on Climate Action?, Climate Action and other SDGs, and How to promote Climate Action. 

The structure afforded by headings provides cohesion to the diverse topics and perspectives that make up the contents of a book written by multiple authors. It is important to establish and reinforce connections throughout a book so that the readers can recognize these connections and anticipate their appearance, with the ultimate aim being for the readers to make the connections themselves without the need for the authors to do so.

A structured approach to headings also makes the writing process a simpler proposition. Once a pattern has been established, the fear of the blank page becomes almost irrelevant: Portions of text practically write themselves because the design of the passage is repeated across chapters. Rather than trying to reinvent the wheel every chapter, the information the writer needs to convey and the research they need to conduct become self-evident. With the consistent use of headings throughout chapters and the repetition of topics across sections of the book, the structure can make it easier for the reader to efficiently access information and allow the author to focus on the details rather than the delivery method.


Use a Consistent Tone

As readers of this column will be acutely aware, language matters. The language used in your writing should be indicative of the intended audience and the core themes of the text. When writing collaboratively, maintaining a uniform tone that fits those criteria through an entire book can be especially challenging. Though having a unique authorial voice is one of the pleasures of writing, when there is a need to incorporate a wide variety of writing styles, it is important to focus on establishing and maintaining a uniform tone. 

There needs to be a statement that encapsulates the intended tone of the book for writers to refer to so that they can be reminded of how that the authors as a collective, rather than as individuals, intend to convey the message. In our case, we included this authorial mission statement as part of the introduction, noting that since the book is intended to be inclusive, we tried to make the language free from technical jargon and accessible to people for whom English was not their first language. An overall mission statement is a valuable reference point when considering what language to use when writing.

In addition to an overarching writing mission statement, establishing specific rules on issues that are likely to reoccur is vital to maintaining a consistent tone. These rules should seek to reinforce the tone you are trying to convey to the reader. Many publications which are designed to appeal to an academic audience adopt a detached approach and often refrain from using you to refer to the reader. However, depending on the tone of your writing, the use of such language might be entirely appropriate. As Hyland (2002) noted, the way we write establishes the relationship we want to form with our reader. Our book is intended to advocate for the reader to become invested in the SDGs, and as such the frequent use of you is a deliberate attempt to appeal to the reader to take action. Rather than passively absorb the text, the reader is supposed to connect it to their own environment and consider how they can contribute to achieving the SDGs.

Another example of lexical choices reflecting the tone in our book was in the use of the word possibilities when suggesting potential variations of activities. Several words were tested, such as options, variations, and alternatives, but possibilities was chosen because, whilst similar in meaning to the other choices, the nuance was perceived to be less restrictive. Possibilities suggests that these are just some of the ways in which the activities could be adapted to suit the needs of different classrooms. Such choices may seem trivial, but the discussions around these decisions help to solidify the core principles of the book in the mind of the authors.

The need to establish rules regarding lexical choices may not be apparent from the start of the writing process. However, when collaborating with others, it is important to address these issues as and when they emerge. By discussing and deciding on unified lexical choices, writers will avoid jarring tonal shifts and can reinforce the underlying themes of the book.


Be Role-Flexible

Although there are many challenges to writing a book with others, one of the benefits is that, no matter the extent to which any individual is struggling with writer’s block, as a collective, progress on the book continues. For some, the efforts of colleagues result in positive pressure: Reading the work of collaborators can provide the spark of inspiration that serves as a catalyst for your own writing. For others, it could be disheartening to feel you are unable to match the contributions of your coauthors. In such cases it is worthwhile to consider the other ways in which you can contribute. 

When authors are struggling to write their own chapters, there is always the option to proofread and offer constructive feedback on the chapters of others. As in the case of second language learners, authors writing collaboratively are more receptive to peer suggestions and feedback (Storch, 2005). They could also contribute to the book holistically by determining whether there is a need for additional chapters or formatting changes. What is important is to be flexible; rather than being concerned about what they are unable to contribute at any one moment, writers need to focus on what they can do. 

Depending on the makeup of the writing team, you might find it useful to assign responsibilities at the outset, such as what sections each person will write and by when they are expected to do so. However all members should be aware that, over the lengthy process of writing a book, these plans are unlikely to remain in place. Therefore, clear communication about contributions and role flexibility are essential to ensure that, as a team, progress on the book continues smoothly. 

Writing a book collaboratively requires two principles of cooperative learning: positive interdependence and individual accountability. Each person should be aware that their work contributes positively to the goals of the team, and each person should let the others know what they can or cannot do. Likewise, each person should value what the others bring to the process and be aware that the manner of the contributions may not be uniform as team members adapt to the evolving needs of the book. 


Final Thoughts

Being part of the team that wrote Cooperative Learning and the Sustainable Development Goals (Lim et al., 2023) provided valuable insights into the advantages and challenges of a collaborative approach to writing. This article has presented three pieces of advice to authors based on our experience: use headings to create structure, keep a consistent tone, and be willing to be role-flexible. These three concepts should help facilitate a smooth and productive collaborative writing process. In the final column in this series, Jesse Reidak will be offering advice on a collaborative approach to editing.



Hyland, K. (2002). Options of identity in academic writing. ELT Journal56(4), 351–358. https://doi.org/10.1093/elt/56.4.351

Lim, S., Reidak, J., Chau, M. H., Zhu, C., Guo, Q., Brooks, T. A., Roe, J., & Jacobs, G. M. (2023). Cooperative learning and the SDGs. PeacheyPublications. https://payhip.com/b/obOwr

Lorch, R. F., Jr,. Lorch, E. P., Ritchey, K., McGovern, L., & Coleman, D. (2001). Effects of headings on text summarization. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 26(2), 171–191. https://doi.org/10.1006/ceps.1999.1037

Storch, N. (2005). Collaborative writing: Product, process, and students’ reflections. Journal of Second Language Writing14(3), 153–173. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jslw.2005.05.002