Issue No.: 
Groups audience: 
The Language Teacher

In this month’s issue . . .

Greetings, esteemed readers of the upcoming issue of The Language Teacher. As I undertake the role of co-editor for this issue, I am eager to share with you not only the enriching content of this issue, but also a brief chapter of the journey that has led me here. My name is Brian Strong, and I am an Assistant Professor in the School of Linguistics and Language Studies at Carleton University in Ottawa, Canada, where I also have the privilege of coordinating its TESL programs. Reflecting on my 14-year sojourn in Japan many years ago, I am reminded of the profound impact those years had on my professional and personal growth. It was back in 2013 when my first article was published in The Language Teacher, marking the beginning of a rewarding relationship with this journal. Today, I am both honored and delighted to contribute in a new capacity, striving to bridge the gap between research and practice within our vibrant community.

In this issue, we are excited to showcase research and perspectives that span the broad spectrum of language education.

Our Feature Article by Caroline J. Handley and Michael Kelland, titled “The Effect of Working Memory Capacity on Instructed Vocabulary Learning,” explores the crucial role of working memory in the acquisition and retention of vocabulary in second language learning. This study not only highlights the theoretical aspects of working memory but also offers key insights for educators on enhancing vocabulary learning through understanding cognitive processes.

James Bury’s contribution in the Readers’ Forum, “Reflections on a Retrospective PhD-by-Publication Journey,” provides a compelling narrative on the challenges and opportunities of pursuing a PhD through publication. Bury’s reflections shed light on the misconceptions and realities of this path, encouraging a broader discussion about accessibility and innovation in doctoral education. His insights are particularly valuable for those considering or navigating alternative routes to academic qualifications.

This issue also includes an interview with Gary Barkhuizen by Michael Ellis and our regular JALT Praxis columns, such as My Share, TLT Wired, Book Reviews, Teaching Assistance, Writers’ Workshop, and JALT Focus. Please check those out as well!

Before I proceed further, I would like to take a moment to acknowledge the significant contributions of David Marsh, one of our final proofreaders, who is stepping down from his role. David’s meticulous attention to detail and dedication to ensuring the quality of our publication have been invaluable to our team and readers alike. On behalf of the editorial team and our readership, I extend our heartfelt thanks to David for his years of service and wish him the very best in his future endeavors.

In closing, my heartfelt thanks go to the contributors and editorial team for their invaluable efforts, and to you, our readers, for your ongoing support. I hope this issue brings you both enjoyment and useful insights.

— Brian Strong, TLT Co-editor

尊敬する読者の皆様、The Language Teacher最新号へようこそ。今号において共同編集者を務めることになりましたので、本号の豊富な内容を紹介するとともに、私がTLTに関わるようになった経緯を簡単に紹介いたします。私は、カナダ、オタワにあるCarleton UniversityのThe School of Linguistics and Language Studies(言語学・言語研究学部)の助教で、TESL Program (第二言語としての英語教授法プログラム)を担当しているBrian Strongと申します。何年も前の14年間の日本滞在を振り返りますと、その年月が仕事上及び個人的な成長に多大な影響を及ぼしたことに気付かされます。2013年に、私の初めての論文がThe Language Teacherに掲載されました。それがこのジャーナルとの実りある関係の始まりとなりました。今日、新しい立場から、我々の活気あるコミュニティーの中で、研究と実践のギャップを埋める橋渡しになれるように貢献できるのは光栄であり、喜ばしい限りです。


今号のFeature Articleでは、Caroline J. HandleyとMichael Kellandが、"The Effect of Working Memory Capacity on Instructed Vocabulary Learning"という題で、第二言語学習における語彙の習得と保持におけるワーキングメモリ(作業記憶)の極めて重要な役割について詳しく検証しています。この研究は、ワーキングメモリの理論的側面を強調するだけではなく、認知過程を理解しながら語彙学習を高める上での重要な洞察力をも教育者に提供しています。

Readers' Forumでは、James Buryが、"Reflections on a Retrospective PhD-by-Publication Journey"という題で、出版物による博士号を取得するための挑戦と機会についての情報を、説得力のある語り口で提供しています。Buryの考察は、この方法の誤解と現実を解明し、博士号教育における取得の可能性と革新についての広範な議論を促しています。彼の洞察力は、学歴取得への代替手段を検討、模索している方々には、特に貴重です。

今号は、Michael EllisによるGary Barkhuizenへのインタビューや、JALT Praxis連載コラム、例えば、My Share, TLT Wired, Book Reviews, Teaching Assistance, Writers’ Workshop, そして JALT Focusなどを掲載しています。ぜひご覧ください。

次に進む前に、最終校正者の仕事を降りるDavid Marshの多大な貢献に言及したいと思います。我々の出版物の質を確保するためのDavidの細かな所にまで至る細心の配慮や献身的な仕事ぶりは、我がチームや読者にとって非常に重要でした。編集者及び読者一同を代表して、Davidの長年の貢献に心からの感謝を申し上げます。また今後の益々の活躍をお祈りしております。


— Brian Strong, TLT 共同編集者


The Language Teacher

Book Reviews

JALT Focus

My Share

Recently Received

TLT Wired

Old Grammarians

Writers' Workshop

Teaching Assistance

TLT Interviews