Gretchen Clark, Ritsumeikan University

Quick Guide

  • Keywords: TOEFL exam preparation, paraphrasing
  • Learner English level: Upper intermediate+
  • Learner maturity: High school+
  • Preparation time: 30 minutes
  • Activity time: Scaffolding: 15 minutes; Game: 15-20 minutes
  • Materials: Paper and pencils for students, copies of the handout (Appendix A), sentence cards (Appendix B) or digital ‘random card’ generator (e.g., the Wordwall website), timer, projector

When tackling the TOEFL iBT Speaking or Written sections, the ability to paraphrase skillfully is essential to receive a high score on the ‘language use’ portion of the scoring rubric. This small-group paraphrasing game allows learners to practice and identify paraphrasing methods. 



Step 1: Gather a selection of general non-academic sentences that the students will paraphrase during the game (Appendix B).

Step 2: Using heavy paper, make several decks of cards, enough for each group, with one example sentence on each. If you have access to a flashcard generator such as the Wordwall website, you can make a digital version.

Step 3: Set a timer for two minutes and make it visible to the students using a projector and screen. I recommend using the ‘Seconds’ interval timer app, which runs successive two-minute countdowns in cycles, i.e., the first two minutes can be tagged as the ‘paraphrasing’ period and the second will be the ‘judging’ period. This system can be set up to repeat for as many cycles as necessary. This system allows the teacher to monitor the activity without worrying about managing the timer.



Step 1: Demonstrate how to paraphrase with a simple example sentence and its reformulation on the whiteboard. For example, “By reading books, we can learn new ways of seeing the world,” becomes “One method to gain a worldly perspective is through reading.” 

Step 2: Elicit which methods were used in the paraphrased sentence. In the above example, the synonym ‘method’ is used for ‘way’; the adjective form of ‘world’, ‘worldly,’ is also used; and the information is presented in the reverse order.

Step 3: Elicit or explain other paraphrasing methods, such as changing between active and passive voice, deleting unnecessary words, combining sentences or breaking longer sentences into shorter ones.

Step 4: Give students the ‘Methods of Paraphrasing’ handout (Appendix A) for additional practice identifying paraphrasing methods. 

Step 5: After 10 minutes, discuss possible answers with the whole class.

Step 6: Prepare for the game by putting the students into groups of 3-4 and making sure they have a deck of cards, some paper, and pencils.

Step 7: Explain that students will have two minutes per sentence to write their own paraphrases, and that the student with the best paraphrased sentence in each group will get a point.

Step 8: Instruct students to choose a judge for the first round. The students will take turns being the judge for the duration of the game.

Step 9: Play commences as the judge turns over a card. Start the timer at this point. The other members of the group paraphrase the sentence and write their answer on their paper.

Step 10: At the end of the two minutes, tell the judge to decide who has the best paraphrase and explain why. The judges should use the ‘methods’ vocabulary on the handout and award a point to the winner.

Step 11: Continue play for several rounds, as time permits. 

Step 12: At the end of the game, give each group’s winner accolades or a small prize for their paraphrasing skill!



This game provides a bit of fun for any large-stakes test prep course that focuses on test approach strategies and solving practice test items. If several cards are prepared, the game can be played again and again as a warmer before more advanced academic sentences are introduced. Over time and many plays, students will become familiar with paraphrasing and build confidence to tackle paraphrasing for the TOEFL Speaking or Writing sections.



  • Seconds. (2017). Seconds Interval Timer (Version 3.22.3) [Desktop/ Mobile app]. Apple Store.
  • Wordwall website. https://wordwall.net

Appendix: Available below