Reference Data:
Kanzaki, M. (2024). An investigation of IELTS and TOEFL iBT score compatibility. In B. Lacy, R. P. Lege, & P. Ferguson (Eds.), Growth Mindset in Language Education. JALT.
This study details an analysis of scores from 53 university students in Japan on the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) test and the Test of English as a Foreign Language Internet-Based Test (TOEFL iBT) and assesses the validity of the two score comparison tables published by the Educational Testing Service (2010) and by the Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT, 2018). The findings indicate that 27 participants (50.9%) obtained the corresponding scores suggested in the Educational Testing Service table, and only 15 (28.3%) obtained the CEFR-based corresponding scores suggested in the Ministry of Education table. Additionally, it was observed that participants who had more experience with either of the tests tended to score higher on that test than what was projected in the Educational Testing Service table.
本研究は、53名の日本の学生から集めたInternational English Language Testing System(IELTS)とTest of English as a Foreign Language Internet-Based Test(TOEFL iBT)の得点を分析し、Educational Testing Service(2010)と文部科学省(2018)の得点対照表の妥当性を検証した。分析の結果、27名(50.9%)の参加者がEducational Testing Serviceの表で示されている対応得点を取得したが、文部科学省の表が示すCEFRに基づく対応得点を取ったのは、15名(28.3%)にとどまった。さらに、いずれかの試験の受験経験が豊富な参加者は、その試験の得点が、Educational Testing Serviceの表で予測されている対応得点よりも高くなる傾向があることが示された。