Derek James Herbert, Kanda University of International Studies

Quick Guide

  • Keywords: Describing, guessing, vocabulary
  • Learner English level: Pre-intermediate and above
  • Learner maturity: High school to university
  • Preparation time: 2 minutes
  • Activity time: 30 minutes depending on class size 
  • Materials: Blackboard, chalk, timer, paper, device with Internet, online word generator (e.g., https://randomwordgenerator.com/pictionary.php) or vocabulary flashcards (Appendix A), three simple objects (see Preparation), a non-transparent bag

Describing and guessing vocabulary is a fundamental skill in English language learning. This simple yet fun activity guides learners to practice describing and guessing vocabulary items in teams within a competitive environment. In set roles, learners engage together in groups in order to achieve the highest team score. 



Step 1: Decide on three easily identifiable objects (e.g., a pen, a ball, a spoon) and put them in a non-transparent bag for learners to guess for the lead-in activity in Step 1. 



Step 1: Introduce the activity by telling the class that there are three objects inside the bag. Get learners to guess in groups what they think the objects are and elicit answers. If needed, provide a clue by shaking the bag.

Step 2: Use target language (Appendix B) for describing the objects (e.g., ‘It’s something that you bring to class. It’s used for taking notes.’), elicit guesses, then reveal.

Step 3: Board language, eliciting any additional phrases from learners.

Step 4: Introduce and demonstrate how to use the online word generator, if you are using it. This tool can be incorporated into the activity so that learners can describe words that are randomly generated. Alternatively, you can use sets of single-word vocabulary flashcards (Appendix A).

Step 5: Group learners into teams of three and introduce the three roles allocated to each member: ‘The Speaker’ describes the word, ‘The Guesser’ guesses what is being described, and ‘The Referee’ remains silent and keeps track of correct answers. 

Step 6: Each team decides together which role they take on for the first game. A total of three games are played, so learners will get an opportunity to experience each role.

Step 7: Check that each learner has a different role by a raise of hands to identify speakers, guessers and referees. 

Step 8: If using an online generator, make sure speakers have the generator open on their device and are on the same category level in each team. Mention they can ‘skip’ to the next word in the generator if they feel it is too challenging to describe. Tell guessers to sit opposite the speaker so as not to be in view of the speaker’s device. Give paper to referees to keep tally of scores. 

Step 9: Make sure everyone is ready and then start the timer to begin the first five-minute game. The emphasis should not be on accuracy but general English communication skills.

Step 10: During the first game, create a table on the board in preparation to write scores for each team. 

Step 11: After the first game, collect scores from referees and board. 

Step 12: Rotate roles in the second game. For example, speakers are now the referees, etc. Repeat Step 7.

Step 13: After three games, the winning team is the team with the highest average score. 



This activity can increase learners’ confidence in describing and guessing vocabulary. Moreover, learners are responsible for working in designated roles. This activity also practices additional skills, such as decision making and teamworking.



Random Word Generator. (n.d.). Pictionary Generator. https://randomwordgenerator.com/pictionary.php 



The appendices are available below.