Duncan Walsh, Urawa Jitsugyo Gakuen Junior & Senior High School

Quick Guide

  • Keywords: World languages, puzzle solving, life-long learning
  • Learner English level: Intermediate to advanced
  • Learner maturity: Junior high school and above
  • Preparation time: 50 minutes
  • Activity time: 50 minutes
  • Materials: Worksheet (Appendix)

Is it possible to practice your English skills while learning another foreign language? Absolutely! The Secret Code Quiz challenges Japanese students to match English statements with corresponding words written in an unfamiliar script—Korean. These mystery words are English or Japanese loanwords in Korean, such as 크리스마스 [kuriseumasu], globally-known Korean words such as 김치 [kimchi], or the names of popular places or people such as 하라주쿠 [Harajuku]. By referring to the clues on the worksheet (Appendix), the students should be able to decipher the pronunciation of each item, apply their prior knowledge to recognize its meaning, and then utilize their English reading and speaking skills to complete the task. 



Step 1: Familiarize yourself with The Secret Code worksheet (Appendix) demonstrating how Korean words are created using blocks of syllables.  

Step 2: Make a note of the following syllabic blocks: 마 [ma], 머 [mae], 사 [sa], 서 [sae] 펜 [pen], 핀 [pin], 렌 [ren] and 린 [rin]. (Copy and paste into Google Translate for pronunciation).

Step 3: Prepare the quiz with 16 phonetically recognizable Korean words and 16 corresponding English statements (see Appendix for examples). These words and statements can be edited to focus on target grammar or language content.    

Step 4: Print one worksheet for each student.



Step 1: Ask the students if they know any languages using a writing system different from Japanese and English and what they think about Japanese as a writing system. Briefly discuss their experiences and opinions. 

Step 2: Write the following on the board: 마 = ma 머 = mae 사 = sa. Then ask the students to guess how to write ‘sae’ in Korean. 

Step 3: Confirm the answer: 서. Clarify that two different symbols combine to make one syllabic block. 

Step 4: Write the following on the board: 핀 = pin 펜 = pen 린 = rin. Ask the class to guess how to write ‘ren’ in Korean. 

Step 5: Confirm the answer: 렌. Clarify that three symbols combine to make one syllabic block. 

Step 6: Hand each student the worksheet entitled “The Secret Code” (Appendix). After directing the students’ attention to the secret code and accompanying clues, instruct them to attempt the practice activity, “What food do I like?”

Step 7: Confirm the answers: pizza, sushi, udon, hamburger. Clarify that syllabic blocks join to make words.

Step 8: Assign students into pairs. Distribute “The Secret Code Quiz” worksheet. 

Step 9: Explain that the students will now compete to match English sentences with Korean words. The fastest code breakers win! Start the race! 

Step 10: Direct any early finishers towards the extension activity, which includes simple practice activities such as writing their name in Korean.  

Step 11: After twenty minutes, check the answers and congratulate the wining pair. 

Step 12: Ask the race-winning students to explain how they approached the task. Highlight any sensible strategies they may have used. 



Educators in the 21st century should teach students the importance of proactive life-long learning. The Secret Code Quiz demonstrates to the students that they can teach themselves. It also provides an opportunity to explore a new language and culture, while offering a valuable insight into the time-consuming nature of the students’ native language, Japanese.  



The appendix is available below: