Issue No.: 
Groups audience: 
The Language Teacher

In this month’s issue . . .

Welcome to the January/February issue of The Language Teacher. We hope you had a wonderful holiday and that you are ready to take on the year with renewed energy!

This issue begins with two Feature Articles. The first is from Peter Clements, who presents a narrative perspective on Japanese preservice English teachers’ career choices, demonstrating the relationship between career decisions and preservice teachers’ evolving sense of identity. The second is from Sara Kawabata, who sheds light on students’ and teachers’ perspectives on the use of English vs. Japanese in high school English classes.

In addition to these two articles, the issue also includes an interview with Naoki Fujimoto-Adamson by Nathaniel Reed. Please be sure to check out our many regular JALT Praxis columns as well.

In closing, as always, I would like to thank the content authors, reviewers, copyeditors, proofreaders, translators, and all the many other TLT volunteer contributors, whose efforts make this publication possible. Finally, to all our readers, I hope you enjoy this issue!

Irina Kuznetcova, TLT Co-editor

The Language Teacherの1/2月号へようこそ。素晴らしい休暇をお過ごしになり、新たな気持ちで新年を迎えられたことと思います!

今号は2つのFeature Articlesから始まります。1つ目はPeter Clementsによるもので、日本の教育実習生のキャリア選択に関してナラティブによる視点を提示し、キャリア決定と教育実習生のアイデンティティの成長との関係について議論しています。2本目はSara Kawabataによるもので、高校の英語の授業における英語と日本語の使い分けについて、生徒と教師の視点に光をあてています。

これら2本の記事に加え、Nathaniel ReedによるNaoki Fujimoto-Adamsonへのインタビューも掲載されています。毎号掲載しているたくさんのJALT Praxisのコラムもぜひご覧ください。


—TLT共同編集者Irina Kuznetcova



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