Issue No.: 
Groups audience: 
The Language Teacher

In this month’s issue . . .

Hello, everyone. Welcome to the March/April issue of The Language Teacher. As this is my first issue as Co-editor, I would like to introduce myself. My name is Greg Dalziel, and I have been teaching at The University of Tokyo since 2017, mainly in the compulsory English language writing and speaking classes for first-year students.

I am a relatively new member of JALT, but I have been a long-time regular reader of The Language Teacher. It has been an important resource in my growth as a teacher. In every issue, there has always been at least one thing that contributed to my own learning and development or added something to my teaching toolkit.

This is a measure of the remarkable legacy of editors and other stewards who have ensured the ongoing publication of TLT. More importantly, it is a sign of the vitality of the ongoing and sustained volunteer labor—the collaboration, support, time, and energy—that makes The Language Teacher community possible. I am excited to be a part of this endeavor.

In this issue, we have two Feature Articles and a Japanese-language Readers’ Forum article. The first, by Lewis Murray and Dale Brown, is an examination of a type of learner resource that is of growing importance: lists of formulaic words, collocations, and phrases. Their critical investigation sheds new light on the production of these learning tools and highlights some important gaps that will be extremely helpful for language teachers and researchers.

Next, Takaaki Hiratsuka shares a new development in his research on assistant language teachers (ALTs) in Japan. Using interviews with ALTs, Hiratsuka develops an empathetic and critical examination of their role in Japan’s educational system, arguing for expanded professional development.

In our Readers’ Forum article, Maiko Ogasawara and Christopher Prowant examine how role models can foster students’ self-image and motivation in EFL learning environments. Drawing on Dörnyei’s L2 Motivational Self System theory, they demonstrate how exposure to role models like Nintendo’s Satoru Iwata can help students envision their “ideal L2 self.”

All three of these articles showcase the amazing range and diversity of teacher researchers in Japan, providing valuable new perspectives for our community.

This issue also includes an interview with Francesco Diodato, by Paolo Torresan, and our regular JALT Praxis columns. Additionally, plenty of useful lesson ideas can be found in the My Share column, which has always been one of my favorite features of TLT.

In closing, I would like to thank the content authors, reviewers, copyeditors, proofreaders, translators, and all the many other TLTvolunteer contributors, without whose immense time and energy this publication would not be possible. It’s amazing to see this collaboration and community from behind the scenes. Finally, to all our readers, I hope you enjoy the issue and find it useful.

— Greg Dalziel, TLT Co-editor

皆さん、こんにちは。The Language Teacherの3/4月号へようこそ。今回が共同編集者としてのはじめての号となりますので、自己紹介をさせていただきます。私はGreg Dalzielと申します。2017年から東京大学で主に1年生の必修科目である英語のライティングとスピーキングの授業を教えています。

私はJALTの比較的新しいメンバーですが、The Language Teacherの長年の読者です。TLTは私の教師としての成長において重要な情報源となっています。どの号にも、私自身の学びや成長に貢献すること、私の指導の道具箱に加える何かが、少なくともひとつは必ずありました。


本号では、2つのFeature Articleと日本語のReaders’ Forumを1つご紹介します。最初の記事は、Lewis MurrayとDale Brownによるもので、重要性が増している学習者教材の一種である定型語、連語、句のリストについての考察です。彼らの批判的な研究は、こうした学習ツールの作成に新たな光を当て、言語教師や研究者にとって非常に役立つ重要な相違を浮き彫りにしています。

次に、Takaaki Hiratsukaは、日本における外国語指導助手(ALT)に関する研究の新たな展開を紹介しています。彼は、ALTへのインタビューをもとに、日本の教育システムにおけるALTの役割について共感的かつ批判的に考察し、専門職としての能力開発の拡充を主張しています。

Readers’ Forumでは、Maiko OgasawaraとChristopher Prowantが、EFL学習環境においてロールモデルがいかに生徒の自己イメージを育成し、動機づけを高めるかを検証しています。DörnyeiのL2動機づけ自己システム理論に基づき、彼らは任天堂のSatoru Iwataのようなロールモデルに触れることが、いかに生徒の「理想L2自己」を思い描くのに役立つかを実証しています。


今号では、Paolo TorresanによるFrancesco Diodatoへのインタビューや、恒例のJALT Praxisコラムも掲載しています。さらに、私がTLTで最も気に入っている記事の一つであるMy Shareコラムでは、授業に役立つアイデアをたくさん見つけることができます。


— TLT 共同編集者Greg Dalziel