Issue No.: 
Groups audience: 
The Language Teacher

In this month’s issue . . .

Welcome to the July/August issue of The Language Teacher. We hope your semester is going smoothly.

This issue includes one Feature Article and one Readers’ Forum piece. Our Feature Article is from Joe Siegel, Masako Kumazawa, Damon Brewster, and Beyza Björkman Nylén, who compare and contrast university students’ experiences with English-medium instruction (EMI) in Japan and Sweden. Our Readers’ Forum piece is from Andrew McMahon, Benjamin Rentler, and Eri Yoshimura, who provide details of a project attempting to bring international and domestic university students in Japan together through the use of social media.

This issue also includes two interviews: one with Graham Crookes by Lachlan Jackson and another with Judy Noguchi by Michael Holsworth. Please be sure to check out our many regular JALT Praxis columns as well.

Before closing, on behalf of the entire TLT team, I would like to take this opportunity to express our heartfelt gratitude to a number of our volunteers who have recently moved on: Casey Bean, David Marsh, Judith Ritter, Nick Roma, and Lauren Walker. We thank them for their invaluable assistance in assuring the quality of this publication. I also want to express appreciation to Heather Yoder, who will be stepping down as Column Editor of the My Share column, but is staying on to help us as a copyeditor.

Finally, as always, I would like to thank the content authors, reviewers, copyeditors, proofreaders, translators, and all the many other TLT volunteer contributors, without whose untold time and energy this publication would not be possible. Finally, to all our readers, I hope you enjoy the issue and find it useful.

—Paul Lyddon, TLT Senior Editor

The Language Teacherの7/8月号へようこそ。皆様の学期が順調であることを願っています。今号にはFeature Article1つとReaders’ Forum 1つが含まれています。Feature ArticleはJoe Siegel, Masako Kumazawa, Damon BrewsterおよびBeyza Björkman Nylénによるもので、日本とスウェーデンにおける大学生の英語ミディアム教授(EMI)に関しての経験を比較対照しています。Readers’ Forumの記事はAndrew McMahon, Benjamin Rentlerと Eri Yoshimuraによるもので、ソーシャルメディアを通じて日本の大学の留学生と国内の学生を結びつけようとするプロジェクトの詳細を提供しています。

今号にはさらに、2つのインタビューも含まれています。Lachlan JacksonによるGraham Crookesへのインタビューと、もう1つはMichael HolsworthによるJudy Noguchiへのインタビューです。さらに連載されている多くのJALT Praxis コラムもご覧ください。

Forewordを締めくくる前に、この機会に我々TLTチームを代表して、最近退任したボランティアの皆さん、Casey Bean, David Marsh, Judith Ritter, Nick RomaならびにLauren Walkerに心からお礼を申し上げます。このジャーナルの質を保つための彼らのたいへん貴重な援助に感謝します。また、My Share コラムの編集を退き、引き続き編集者としてとどまってくださるHeather Yoderにも感謝の意を表します。


—TLT上級編集者 Paul Lyddon