Issue No.: 
Groups audience: 
The Language Teacher

In this month’s issue . . .

Welcome to the March/April issue of The Language Teacher. We hope your preparations for the next school year are going smoothly.

Although we recently increased our publication capacity from 12 to 16 peer-reviewed articles per year, the number of high-quality submissions we have received so far since then has not kept pace. Thus, in an effort to encourage those of you who, for whatever reason, have either hesitated to submit your work to us or else submitted it without success, for this issue, we have invited former TLT editors Theron Muller and Jerry Talandis, Jr., to share their wisdom and advice not only on getting published in general but specifically in TLT. We truly hope that many of you take inspiration from this special feature article and do your part to help TLT maintain its reputation as Japan’s premier practitioner publication.

This issue also includes an interview with Paul Leeming by Torrin Shimono. Please be sure to check out our many regular JALT Praxis columns as well.

Sadly, longtime TLT Wired Column Editor Paul Raine has stepped down to hand the reins over to someone new, with the January/February issue being his last. Starting with the current issue, Edward Escobar and Sarah Deutchman have graciously stepped in to fill his shoes. Thus, on behalf of the entire TLT staff, I want to thank Paul for his five years of invaluable service to us as and extend a warm welcome to Edward and Sarah.

In closing, as always, I would like to thank the content authors, reviewers, copyeditors, proofreaders, translators, and all the many other TLT volunteer contributors, without whose untold time and energy this publication would not be possible. Finally, to all our readers, I hope you enjoy the issue and find it useful.

—Paul Lyddon, TLT Senior Editor

The Language Teacherの3/4月号へようこそ。皆様の次年度に向けた準備が順調に進んでいることを願っています。

最近、私たちは査読論文の出版可能本数を年間12本から16本に増やしたのですが、質の高い論文投稿数が出版可能本数に追いついていません。そこで何らかの理由で論文を投稿することをためらってしまった方々、あるいは投稿してはみたものの出版までには至らなかった方々を励ますために、本号では元TLT編集者のTheron MullerとJerry Talandis, Jr.を招待し、一般的な出版は勿論のことですが、特にTLTの出版に結びつく知恵やアドバイスを紹介いたします。多くの皆様がこの特集記事からインスピレーションを得て、TLTが教育に携わる専門集団への最高の書籍として引き続き高い評価を維持できるよう、各自が貢献してくださることを願ってやみません。

本号はまたTorrin ShimonoによるPaul Leemingへのインタビューも掲載されています。多くのJALT Praxisの連載コラムもお忘れなく。

残念なことにTLT Wired Columnの編集者を長年務めたPaul Raineが1/2月号を最後に引退し、新しい人が引き継ぐことになりました。本号からEdward EscobarとSarah Deutchmanが彼の後任として快く参加してくれます。TLTスタッフ一同を代表して、Paulの5年間に及ぶ貴重な貢献に感謝するとともに、EdwardとSarahを温かく迎えたいと思います。


TLT上級編集者Paul Lyddon


Dear JALT members,

We are very sorry to announce the end to the Apple On Campus program, which offered JALT members a discount on a number of Apple goods. The original agreement with Apple stated that Apple could cancel the program at any time. Unfortunately, Apple ended the On Campus program in December, 2023. This decision affects not only JALT, but also all organizations that were part of the On Campus program.

Apple is now using a company called Unidas to verify educator status for their education discount. JALT has no knowledge of or control over the Apple education discount program.

We appreciate your continued support of JALT.


Julia Kimura, JALT Director of Membership

On behalf of the JALT Board of Directors