In this month’s issue . . .
Dear readers, welcome to the July/August issue of The Language Teacher. I hope your semester is going smoothly and that you are enjoying the beauty of summer.
This issue contains three Feature Articles. The first is from Kazuma Fujii, who discusses the impact of paper vs. electronic book formats on university students’ learning process and outcomes in an extensive reading English program. The second is from Kieran Enright, who investigated Information and Communication Technology use by English-speaking Assistant Language Teachers in Japanese schools. In the third piece, Katsuhiro Yamauchi explores the benefits of implementing multiple mini-bibliobattles in an extensive reading course at a Japanese university.
In addition to these three articles, the issue also includes two interviews: one with Kensaku Yoshida, by Peter Ferguson, and another with John Creswell, by Michael Holsworth. Please be sure to check out our many regular JALT Praxis columns as well.
In closing, as always, I would like to thank the many TLT contributors without whom this publication would not be possible and, of course, our dear readers for their continued support. I hope you enjoy the issue and find it useful.
—Irina Kuznetcova, TLT Co-editor
The Language Teacherの7/8月号へようこそ。皆さまの前期の授業が滞りなく進み、夏の美しさを楽しんでいらっしゃることを願っています。
本号は、Feature Articleが3つあります。1つ目は、Kazuma Fujiiによるもので、大学生の英語多読プログラムにおける学習プロセスと成果に対する紙の本と電子書籍という異なる媒体の影響について論じています。2つ目はKieran Enrightが、日本の学校での英語話者のALTによるITC(情報通信技術)の使用を調査しています。3つ目の論文では、Katsuhiro Yamauchiが大学の多読コースにおいて複合的なミニ・ビブリオバトルズ(知的書評合戦)の導入の利点を探索しています。
これら3つの論文に加えて、二つのインタビュー記事もあります。Peter FergusonによるKensaku YoshidaのインタビューとMichael HolsworthによるJohn Creswellのインタビューです。定期的に連載しているJALT Praxisコラムもぜひご覧ください。
—Irina Kuznetcova, TLT 共同編集者