In this month’s issue . . .
Welcome to the January/February issue of The Language Teacher. We hope your new year has gotten off to an auspicious start.
This issue includes two Feature Articles and two Readers’ Forum pieces. Our first Feature Article is from Steven Lim, who assesses teacher readiness for individual student use of computing devices in Japanese junior high schools. Our second Feature Article is from Tomoko Hashimoto, who investigates the degree to which online university learners feel the need to use their cameras during synchronous breakout sessions.
Our first Readers’ Forum piece is from Mayumi Asaba, who provides an overview of past research on teaching expertise and suggests potential applications specifically for L2 teaching contexts. Our second Readers’ Forum piece is from Justin Charlesbois, who illustrates the use of project-based learning for developing L2 learners’ pragmatic competence in a university-level intercultural communication course.
In addition to these four articles, this issue includes an interview with Yuko Goto Butler by Jeremy White and another with Takaaki Hiratsuka by Matthew Nall. Please be sure to check out our many regular JALT Praxis columns, such as My Share, TLT Wired, Young Learners, Book Reviews, Teaching Assistance, Writers’ Workshop, SIG Focus, and Old Grammarians, as well.
As some of you may know, my tenure as TLT co-editor was officially set to end with the JALT2022 conference, after which I was to move into the largely titular role of senior editor to make way for Irina Kuznetcova—yes, our guest editor from the preconference issue—to serve as the new co-editor, alongside Bern Mulvey, who would have been our returning co-editor. I am pleased to announce that Irina will indeed be joining our ranks as she will surely make a fine addition to our team. Regrettably, however, for personal reasons, Bern decided to step down in September, leaving his position vacant. If you or anyone you know might be interested in training to become his eventual replacement, I encourage you to contact JALT Publications Board Chair Theron Muller at In any case, I sincerely wish Bern all the best and thank him for his many valuable contributions during his time with us. I also want to thank the rest of the TLT staff for pulling together over the past few months to help keep everything running smoothly through the rather sudden and unexpected transition.
In closing, as always, I would like to thank you, our readers, without whom none of our efforts would even matter. I hope you enjoy the issue and find it useful.
—Paul Lyddon, TLT Co-editor
The Language Teacher の2023年1/2月号へようこそ。皆様にとって新年が幸先の良いスタートを切ったことを願っております。
今号のTLTには、2つのFeature Articlesと2つのReaders’ Forum を掲載しています。最初のFeature Articleは、Steven Limによるもので、日本の中学校で個々の生徒がコンピュータやタブレット等の端末を使用するための教師の準備状況を評価しています。2つ目はTomoko Hashimotoによるもので、大学のオンライン学習者がブレイクアウトセッション中に顔出しを使用する必要性をどの程度感じているかを調査したものです。
最初のReaders’ Forumでは、Mayumi Asabaが教育の専門知識に関する先行研究の概要を説明し、特に第二言語教育における、潜在的な適用法を提案しています。2つ目のReaders’ Forumでは、Justin Charlesboisが大学の異文化コミュニケーションコースでL2学習者の実用的な能力を開発するための課題解決型学習の使用を説明しています。
本号ではこれら4つの論文に加えて、Jeremy WhiteによるYuko Goto Butlerのインタビューと、Matthew NallによるTakaaki Hiratsukaへのインタビューも含まれています。 My Share, TLT Wired, Young Learners, Book Reviews, Teaching Assistance, Writers’ Workshop, SIG Focus, Old Grammariansなど、JALT Praxisの定期コラムもぜひご覧ください。
ご存知の方もいらっしゃいますが、私のTLT共同編集者としての任期は、JALT2022年次国際大会をもって正式に終了することになりました。その後は、名誉職でもある上級編集者の役割に移り、以前の共同編集者だったBern Mulveyとともにpreconference issueのゲスト編集長だったIrina Kuznetcovaに道を譲ることになりました。Irinaが我々のチームに仲間入りした事を皆様にお伝えできることを大変うれしく思います。しかし残念なことに、Bernは個人的な理由により9月で辞任することを決めたため、彼の職は空席のままです。皆様自身あるいはお知り合いで、彼の後任になるための養成に興味がある方は、JALT Publications Board ChairのTheron Muller(までご連絡ください。
—Paul Lyddon、TLT共同編集者