Issue No.: 
Groups audience: 
The Language Teacher

In this month’s issue . . .

Before introducing the November/December issue of The Language Teacher, I would just like to congratulate Irina Kuznetcova for the commendable job she did as Guest Editor of the previous issue, focusing on this year’s JALT conference. We really appreciate all the time and effort she, the conference organizers, and all the rest of her team put into bringing it to fruition. I would also like to thank my friend and longtime collaborator, Maki Hirotani, for her help with the Japanese translation of the foreword for that special issue.

With that, I now turn to the current issue, which includes three Feature Articles and two Readers’ Forum pieces. Our first Feature Article is from Barney Meekin, who compares the gains of less-proficient high school English learners using graded vs. non-graded language corpora. Our second Feature Article is from John Rucynski and Peter Neff, who investigate the differing challenges and benefits of using pedagogical humor online vs. face to face. Our final Feature Article is from Tamao Eryu, who compares the vocabulary profiles of graded readers vs. authentic children’s book series.

Our first Readers’ Forum piece, from Sean Burgoine, introduces practical activities for fostering greater awareness of L2 phonological differences in monolingual EFL classrooms. Our second Readers’ Forum piece, from Eleanor Smith, Thomas Amundrud, Jackson Koon Yat Lee, and Quenby Hoffman Aoki, highlights the key issues raised on the subjects of equity and representation at the roundtable held by the JALT Code of Conduct (CoC) and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) committees at JALT2020.

In addition to these five articles, this issue includes an interview with Nicola Galloway by John Galindo and another with Greta Gorsuch by Marcel Van Amelsvoort. Don’t forget to check out our many regular JALT Praxis columns, such as My Share, TLT Wired, Young Learners, Book Reviews, Teaching Assistance, Writers’ Workshop, SIG Focus, and Old Grammarians, as well.

Sadly, this issue will be our last with Mari Nakamura and Marian Hara at the helm of our Young Learners column. On behalf of the entire TLT staff, I want to thank both Mari and Marian for their invaluable service to our publication through the indispensable content they provided to so many of our readers in their time with us. We truly wish them all the best in their future endeavors.

In closing, as always, I would like to thank the content authors, reviewers, copyeditors, proofreaders, translators, and all the many other TLT volunteer contributors, without whose untold time and energy this publication would not be possible. Finally, to all our readers, I hope you enjoy the issue and find it useful.

—Paul Lyddon, TLT Co-editor

The Language Teacher 11/12月号を皆様にご紹介する前に、前号のゲスト編集者として今年のJALT年次国際大会号を担当したIrina Kuznetcovaの立派な仕事に祝辞を送りたいと思います。私たちは、まとめ役としてのIrinaそして彼女のチームが、年次国際大会の実現に費やしたすべての時間と尽力に心から感謝いたします。また、その特集号のForewordの日本語訳を手伝ってくれた、私の友人で長年の協力者であるMaki Hirotaniにも感謝したいと思います。

さて、本号では、3つのFeature Articleと2つのReaders’ Forumをお届けします。最初のFeature Articleで、Barney Meekinは、高校生の英語学習者が、英語学習者用の言語コーパスと英語学習者用ではない言語コーパスを使って学習した場合の成果を比較しています。2つ目のFeature Articleは、John RucynskiとPeter Neffが、オンラインと対面式で教育的ユーモアを使用する際の課題と利点の違いについて調査しています。最後のFeature Articleでは、Tamao Eryuが、段階別読み物 (graded readers) とオーセンティックな児童書シリーズの語彙を比較しています。

1つ目のReaders’ Forumでは、Sean Burgoineが単一言語のEFLクラスで、第二言語の音韻の違いをより認識させるための実践的なアクティビティを紹介しています。2つ目は、Eleanor Smith, Thomas Amundrud, Jackson Koon Yat Lee, Quenby Hoffman Aokiが、JALT2020で行動規範(CoC)委員会と多様性・公正性・包括性(DEI)委員会が開催した円卓会議において提起された、公平性と代表制のあり方、という重要事項を取り上げています。

この5本の論文に加え、本号では、John GalindoによるNicola Gallowayのインタビューと、Marcel Van AmelsvoortによるGreta Gorsuchのインタビューが掲載されています。My Share, TLT Wired, Young Learners, Book Reviews, Teaching Assistance, Writers’ Workshop, SIG Focus, Old GrammariansなどのJALT Praxisコラムも忘れずにチェックしてみて下さい。

残念ながら、Mari NakamuraとMarian Haraが担当するYoung Learnersのコラムは本号が最後となります。TLTスタッフ一同を代表して、お二人に、これまで多くの読者に必要なコンテンツを提供し、本誌に測り知れない貢献をしていただいたことに感謝いたします。お二人の今後のご活躍を心よりお祈り申し上げます。


—TLT共同編集者 Paul Lyddon