In this month’s issue . . .
Welcome to the July/August 2022 issue of The Language Teacher. This foreword is dedicated to Steve Cornwell, a good friend to many readers of TLT, including myself. As many of you know, Steve passed away in April. He will be greatly missed.
Both Feature Articles this month touch on the topic of English teacher education. First, Akiko Takagi documents the various preconceptions of teaching English that arise from student positive and negative pre-service classroom experiences, arguing further that educators in teacher training programs need to be aware of and address these preconceptions in their courses. In the second article, Wendy Tada advocates incorporating song into teacher education curriculum, as well as provides practical examples of song-infused teaching methodology.
In addition to these two articles, this issue includes an interview with Dr. Natsuko Shintani by Paul Marlowe. Don’t forget to check out our many regular JALT Praxis columns, such as My Share, TLT Wired, Younger Learners, Book Reviews, Teaching Assistance, Writers’ Workshop, and SIG Focus, as well.
I do hope that you can enjoy some much-needed time off this summer, and that everyone remains safe and healthy during these challenging times. Hope you enjoy this issue!
—Bern Mulvey, TLT Co-editor
The Language Teacher 2022年7/8月号へようこそ。この序文は、私自身を含めTLTの多くの読者の良き友であったSteve Cornwellに捧げます。既にご存知の方も多いと思いますが、Steveは4月に逝去されました。多くの方々から惜しまれていることと思います。
本号の2つのFeature Articleは、教職課程英語科教員養成に触れています。まず、Akiko Takagiは教員養成課程を履修する学生自身に肯定的及び否定的な授業経験に基づいた先入観があることを特定し、教師教育者が授業を行う際には、この先入観を考慮し、それに対処する必要があると論じています。
2本目のFAでは、Wendy Tadaが歌を教員養成カリキュラムに組み込むことを提唱し、歌を取り入れた教授法の実践例を示しています。
これら2本の論文に加えて、本号ではPaul MarloweによるDr. Natsuko Shintaniへのインタビューも掲載しています。通常のMy Share, TLT Wired, Younger Learners, Book Reviews, Teaching Assistance, Writers’ Workshop, SIG FocusそしてOld GrammariansなどのJALT Praxisコラムも忘れないで下さい。
—Bern Mulvey, TLT Co-editor