Issue No.: 
Groups audience: 
The Language Teacher

In this month’s issue . . .

Welcome to the May/June issue of The Language Teacher. We hope your new academic year has gotten off to an auspicious start.

This issue begins with a Feature Article from Ayano Shino, who examines the frequency and effectiveness of different types of discoursal repetition during Japanese elementary school English lessons. Next comes a Readers’ Forum piece from Andrew Pitman, who describes an implementation of inquiry-based learning pedagogy as a means of equipping Japanese secondary and tertiary learners with the requisite English skills for participation in the global workplace. In addition to these two articles, this issue includes an interview with Baye McNeil by Michael Ellis and a transcription by Marian Wang of the discussion and question time at Stephen Krashen’s December 2019 Kobe-Kyoto-Osaka JALT joint-sponsored lecture. Remember to check out our many regular JALT Praxis columns, such as My Share, TLT Wired, Book Reviews, Teaching Assistance, Writers’ Workshop, SIG Focus, and Old Grammarians, as well.

In closing, as always, I would like to thank the content authors, reviewers, copyeditors, proofreaders, translators, and all the many other TLT volunteer contributors, many of whom work directly with our Assistant Editor, Rob Kerrigan, and thus receive far less recognition than they truly deserve from me, as Co-editor, as they quietly perform their duties without my notice. This time, however, I owe a particular debt of personal gratitude to a few individuals who will have recently left or will soon be leaving our production team this year.

First, I’d like to thank Kevin Thomas for his two years as copy editor and Decha Hongthong for nine years as proofreader. I also want to thank our Japanese-Language Editor Toshiko Sugino, who will now be turning over the reins to Mami Ueda after eight years of her own steadfast leadership and service. Finally, I’d like to thank Theron Muller, who served as Senior Editor until Nicole Gallagher stepped into his role this past January. I truly wish Kevin, Decha, and Toshiko all the best of happiness and success in their future endeavors, and I wish Theron the best in trying to keep a low profile so as to finally break the cycle of constantly being called upon to keep the ship afloat.

With that, to all our readers, I hope you enjoy the issue and find it useful.

—Paul Lyddon, TLT Co-editor


本号のFeature Articleでは、Ayano Shinoが日本の小学校での英語授業において、異なったタイプの談話の繰り返しの頻度や効果を検証しています。次に、Readers’ ForumではAndrew Pitmanがグローバルな職場に就くために必要な英語力を日本の中高・大学生に身につけさせる手段としての探究的学習の導入を論じています。これら2つの論文に加えて、Michael EllisがBaye McNeilへのインタビュー記事を寄稿しています。 また、Marian Wangが記録した2019年12月のKobe-Kyoto-Osaka JALT 共催のStephen Krashenの講演でのディスカッションと質疑応答も載せています。My Share, TLT Wired,  Book Reviews, Teaching Assistance, Writers’ Workshop, SIG FocusやOld Grammariansなどの通常のJALT Praxis columnsもお忘れなく。

 終わりに、執筆者、査読者、 校訂者、 校正者、翻訳者、その他多くのTLTボランティアの方々に感謝の気持ちを述べたいと思います。彼らの多くは、副編集長のRob Kerriganと直接やりとりをし、共同編集者の私が気づかないうちに、自分たちの仕事を粛々とこなしています。この事に感謝の意を表したいと思います。今回は特に、私たちの制作チームを最近去って行かれた、あるいは今後去る予定の方々に特別な謝意を申し上げたく思います。

まず、校訂者として2年間務めたKevin Thomasと校正者 として9年間務めたDecha Hongthongにお礼を申し上げます。さらに、日本語編集長として8年間の確固たるリーダシップと尽力のあとMami Uedaへと仕事を引き継ぐToshiko Suginoにお礼を申し上げます。最後に1月にNicole Gallagherが引き継ぐまで編集長の役割をこなしたTheron Mullerに感謝致します。そしてKevin, Decha, Toshikoの3名の方々の今後のご活躍とご多幸をお祈り申し上げます。またTLTという船が沈まないよういつも頼りにされてきたTheronが、その連鎖を断つべく最大限に目立たないようにしようとする努力が実る事も祈っております。


—Paul Lyddon, TLT Co-editor