In this month’s issue . . .
Welcome to the March/April 2022 issue of The Language Teacher. My name is Bern Mulvey. As some of you may know, Nicole Gallagher is taking a well-earned break from TLT after the recent birth of her child. Now, I will be attempting the impossible task of filling her shoes as Co-editor. About me: I have been an active member of JALT since 1997, and during this time have served in various capacities—including as Co-editor of ON CUE from 1999-2000, as a Guest Editor of ON CUE in 2017, and as an Editorial Advisory Board member for TLT since 2000. This said, I obviously still have a lot to learn. Fortunately, Paul Lyddon and Theron Muller have been extremely patient, while Nicole continues to advise as well. Many thanks to all three of them.
This issue includes two Feature Articles, both touching on the topic of informal language learning. In the first article, Chris Edelman, Peter Ferguson, Robert McClung, Christopher Hellman, and Andrew Dowden survey first- and second-year Japanese university students to measure the extent of their volitional exposure to English-language media outside the classroom.
In the second Feature Article, Gilbert Dizon analyzes posting practices on an L2 Japanese subreddit to identify common language-learning behaviors among its members, with a number of implications for L2 education.
In addition to these two articles, this issue includes an interview with Charlene Polio by Paul Tanner and another with Nicholas Rhea by Matthew Nall. Don’t forget to check out our many regular JALT Praxis columns, such as My Share, TLT Wired, Book Reviews, Teaching Assistance, Writers’ Workshop, and SIG Focus, as well.
Finally, please let me again thank the content authors, reviewers, copyeditors, proofreaders, translators, and all the many other TLT volunteer contributors, without whose time and energy this publication would not be possible. To all our readers, I hope you enjoy the issue and find it useful.
Bern Mulvey, TLT Co-editor
2022年3月/ 4月号のTLTへようこそ。私はBern Mulveyと申します。ご存知かと思いますが、長らくTLTに貢献してきたNicole Gallagherは骨休めの育児休暇に入りました。そこで私が共同編集者として彼女の後を継がせていただくことになりました。私につきましては、1997年からJALTで活動の場を広げ、1999-2000年はON CUEの共同編集者、2017年は客員編集者、2000年からは査読者の一人としてTLTのさまざまな業務に携わってきました。申し上げるまでもなく、まだ学ぶべきことがたくさんございますが、幸いなことに、Nicoleはもちろん、現編集長のPaul LyddonとTheron Mullerも非常に辛抱強く助言をし続けて下さっています。この場をお借りして、お礼を申し上げます。
本号のFeature Articleは、二つとも授業外の言語学習というトピックに触れています。最初のFAでは、Chris Edelman, Peter Ferguson, Robert McClung, Christopher Hellman および Andrew Dowdenが、日本の大学1年生と2年生を対象に、どのくらいの頻度で自ら教室外での英語メディアに触れているのかを測定しました。
二編目のFAでは、Gilbert Dizonが、メンバー間の共通の言語学習行動を特定するため、L2日本語サブレディットへの投稿の実際について分析しました。L2教育への応用法についても数多く提案しています。
これら2本の論文に加えて、本号ではPaul Tannerによる Charlene Polioへのインタビューとさらに Matthew NallによるNicholas Rheaへのインタビューも掲載しています。My Share, TLT Wired, Book Reviews, Teaching Assistance, Writers’ Workshop, SIG Focusなど、通常のJALT Praxis columnsもどうぞお忘れなく。
Bern Mulvey, TLT Co-editor