Accessing TLT
This is the September 2021 issue of The Language Teacher, JALT's bi-monthly journal. For those wishing to access the full content:
- JALT members will receive the print version by mail or can access the complete PDF file by logging into JALT's website.
- Non-members will have open access 6 months after publication. If you require access before then, there are two options:
- Purchase a copy of this TLT from our JALT Shop, or
- Become a member of JALT through our online membership page.
In this month’s issue . . .
Greetings, everyone. Welcome to the September/October issue of The Language Teacher. I hope you are managing to keep cool through the seasonal heat.
As usual, this issue of TLT contains one Feature Article and one Readers’ Forum piece. The former, from Luke Winn, examines the effects of authentic storybook use on the L2 English vocabulary acquisition of Japanese kindergartners. The latter, from Tim Murphey, proposes an alternate approach to secondary and tertiary classroom-based English language pedagogy involving student creation and selection of course materials.
In addition to these two articles, this issue also includes an interview with JALT2020 conference plenary speaker Kay Irie by Rob Kerrigan and Eric Shepherd Martin. Don’t forget to check out our many regular JALT Praxis columns, such as My Share, TLT Wired, Book Reviews, Teaching Assistance, Writers’ Workshop, SIG Focus, and Old Grammarians as well.
In closing, as always, I would like to thank the many TLT contributors at every stage of our production, without whose tireless efforts this publication would not be possible. Finally, to all our readers, I hope you enjoy the issue and find it useful.
Paul Lyddon, TLT Co-editor
皆様、こんにちは。The Language Teacher 9/10月号にようこそ。この時期の暑さにも負けず、なんとか涼しくお過ごしされていれば幸いです。
本号はいつものようにFeature ArticleとReaders’ Forumが一編ずつ掲載されています。Feature ArticleではLuke Winnが、日本の幼稚園でのL2としての英語の語彙獲得において、「本物の」童話を使用する効果を検証しています。Readers’ ForumではTim Murpheyが、高校や大学における教室中心の英語指導法について、学生自身が教材を作ったり選んだりする新たなアプローチを提案しています。
この2つの記事に加えて、Rob KerriganとEric Shepherd Martinによる、JALT2020の特別講演者Kay Irieへのインタビューもあります。
また、My Share、TLT Wired、Book Reviews、Teaching Assistance、Writers’ Workshop、SIG Focus、Old Grammariansなど、JALT Praxis恒例のコラムのチェックもどうぞお忘れなく。
Paul Lyddon, TLT Co-editor
Co-Editor Position Open at The Language Teacher
The Language Teacher is now accepting applications for a new Co-Editor to work as part of a three-person editorial team. This team manages production of our peer-reviewed Feature Article and Readers’ Forum sections, handling manuscripts through review, copy editing, and proofreading. Other responsibilities include medium- and long-term strategic publication planning as well as attendance at an annual JALT Publications Board meeting along with a small number of meetings, presentations, and workshops at the annual JALT International Conference, for which fee waivers are available. The average time commitment for fulfilling these responsibilities is approximately two to four hours per week.
TLT editorial team membership offers numerous opportunities for both personal and professional development. Working with authors, reviewers, and the TLT production team can help to further develop academic writing and editing skills. Coordinating the efforts of our all-volunteer staff is an excellent opportunity to develop team management skills. Finally, serving on the TLT editorial team brings you into closer contact with the entire JALT membership and its leadership, providing a prime opportunity for networking.
This position entails a three-year commitment: two years as Co-Editor and then an additional year as Senior Editor. Interested applicants should submit a full CV and letter of application to the JALT Publications Board Chair, Caroline Handley, who can be contacted through our website’s contact form at or by email:
Application review will be ongoing until a suitable candidate has been selected. Priority will be given to applications received before October 1, 2021.
Please see for other position openings in JALT Publications.