Issue No.: 
Groups audience: 
The Language Teacher

Accessing TLT

This is the July 2021 issue of The Language Teacher, JALT's bi-monthly journal. For those wishing to access the full content:

  • JALT members will receive the print version by mail or can access the complete PDF file by logging into JALT's website.
  • Non-members will have open access 6 months after publication. If you require access before then, there are two options:
    1. Purchase a copy of this TLT from our JALT Shop, or
    2. Become a member of JALT through our online membership page.

In this month’s issue . . .

Greetings, and welcome to the July/August 2021 issue of The Language Teacher. At the time of writing, it is still unclear whether the Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics will be held in July and August. Regardless of the decision, I do hope that you can enjoy some much-needed time off this summer, and that your family remains safe and healthy during these challenging times.

The Featured Article for this issue presents a study by Charles Mueller and Yasuhiro Tsushima, examining Japanese university students’ English article usage. After revealing the types of errors students tend to make, it concludes with a suggestion of the pedagogical implications. In the Readers’ Forum, Davey Young makes an argument for the importance of quality assurance as it applies to language teaching and professional development.

You can also check out two TLT Interviews. The first one, conducted by Michael Ellis, is a discussion with Yoshi Grote on the subject of approaches to supporting diversity in the classroom. The second, by Torrin Shimono, is a discussion with Patrick Jackson on his long career of teaching in Japan. Finally, as usual, My Share showcases several classroom ideas for you to take a look at over the holidays. Enjoy the issue!

— Nicole Gallagher, TLT Coeditor

こんにちは。2021年7-8月号のThe Language Teacherへようこそ。原稿執筆時の段階では、東京オリンピック並びにパラリンピックが7・8月に開催されるのかどうかは、まだ不透明という状況です。いかなる決定がなされようとも、皆様が今夏の休暇をお楽しみいただき、また困難な時期であってもご家族が安全かつ健康でありますよう、心からお祈りしています。

今回のFeatured rticleでは、日本人大学生の英語冠詞の使い方について調査したCharles uellerYasuhiro sushimaの研究をご紹介いたします。学生の誤り傾向を分析したのち、教育技法を提案しています。Readers’ orumでは、Davey oungが質保証を言語教育及び専門性の向上に応用しつつ、その重要性について論じています。

2つのTLT nterviewもご覧下さい。一つ目のインタビュー記事はMichaelEllisによるもので、教室内における多様性を支援する取り組みについてYoshi roteにインタビューしたものです。二つ目は、Torrin himono による、長年日本で教えた経験のあるPatrick acksonとのインタビュー記事です。いつものことですが、最後はMy hareです。休暇中ご覧いただける教室でのアイデアをいくつかご紹介しております。皆様どうぞ7-8月号をお楽しみください!

— Nicole Gallagher, TLT Coeditor