In this month’s issue . . .
Welcome to the September/October 2019 issue of The Language Teacher. As we prepare for the beginning of the autumn semester in Japan, I hope you all had a chance to recharge your batteries over the summer and get caught up on your various projects.
My name is Nicole Gallagher and from this issue I have officially moved over from My Share to the Coeditor role. As many of you are already aware, Eric Shepherd Martin finished his work with TLT with the July/August issue. We want to thank him very much for his dedication and work as Coeditor! As I have been getting accustomed to my new role, I have been extremely grateful for Eric’s help and advice. I’m also thankful to the other members of the TLT staff for helping me to understand and fulfill my new responsibilities. I would also like to announce that we had to recently say goodbye to Antonija Cavcic who had to step down from the Coeditor position. We thank her very much for her hard work and time with TLT and wish her the best of luck in her future endeavors. In addition, we are pleased to welcome back Theron Muller to the role of Coeditor, who previously filled the role about 10 years ago! His willingness to return, and his expertise are deeply appreciated among the TLT staff. Finally, I would also like to warmly welcome Lorraine Kipling who moved over from copyediting to the role of Coeditor of My Share.
It is my pleasure to present two very interesting articles for this issue—one Feature Article and one Readers’ Forum. Our Feature Article presents research into highly motivated high school students’ perceptions of TEAP and university entrance examinations. An interview study, Diane Nagatomo and David Allen investigated student perspectives of language entrance examinations through student interviews conducted in Japanese and translated into English.
In Readers’ Forum, Davey Young discusses how language education at the postsecondary education level in Japan can provide reasonable accommodations for students with disabilities (SWD). He suggests ways that language educators can work to remove the stigma of disability in the classroom. In addition to the Feature Article and Readers’ Forum, do check out this edition’s TLT Interviews and the interesting classroom ideas presented in My Share.
Finally, I would like to thank all the copyediting, proofreading and Japanese editorial staff that continually work hard to make TLT possible. We sincerely hope that you enjoy reading this issue, and we look forward to seeing you all in November at the 45th JALT International Conference in Nagoya!
Nicole Gallagher, TLT Coeditor
9/10月号のThe Language Teacherへようこそ。読者の皆様は、秋学期のスタートを準備されていることと思います。夏休みにはしっかりと休むことができ、様々なプロジェクトを仕上げる機会を持たれたことと思います。
私は、今月号から共同編集者になったNicole Gallagherです。以前はMy Shareを担当していました。多くの皆様がご存知だと思いますが、Eric Shepherd Martinは前号でTLTの仕事を終えました。共同編集者としての彼のすばらしい仕事に感謝の意を表したいと思います。私が新しい仕事に慣れてこられたのは、彼の手助けと助言の賜物です。また、私が新しい仕事を理解し、責任を果たすための手助けをしてくれている多くのTLTスタッフにもお礼を申し上げます。さらに、共同編集者の職を辞すことになったAntonija Cavcicにお別れを告げます。TLTのために行った彼女の素晴らしい仕事に感謝し、彼女の将来の研鑚に幸運をお祈りします。また、共同編集者として10年ぶりに戻ってきたTheron Mullerを歓迎します。TLTスタッフは戻ってきてくれた彼の意志や高度の専門知識を大変ありがたく思っています。最後に、校閲編集者からMy Shareの共同編集者となったLorraine Kiplingを歓迎します。
今月号の興味深い2つの論文を紹介できることを嬉しく思います。1つはFeature Article、もう1つはReaders’ Forumからです。まず、Feature Articleは、動機づけの高い高校生のTEAP(英語運用能力測定試験)と大学入学試験に対する考え方の調査についてです。Diane Nagatomo と David Allenが日本語で行った高校生へのインタビュー調査で、高校生の英語入試への認識を研究しています。
Readers’ Forum では、Davey Youngが日本の大学教育で、いかに障がいのある学生に語学教育が合理的な学びの場を提供できるかを論議しています。語学教師によって教室にある不便さを取り除く方法も提案されています。これらに加えて、今月号のTLT InterviewsやMy Shareにある興味深い教材用のアイディアをご覧になってください。
Nicole Gallagher, TLT Coeditor