In this month’s issue . . .
Welcome to the May/June 2019 issue of TLT. Under the cherry blossoms, the graduation season in March, and the entrance ceremony of the new school year in April are over. We here at TLT hope you have had a wonderful start to the new academic year and are enjoying GW, especially when we are celebrating the new emperor era and a special 10-day Golden Week.
As the TLT Japanese editor, let me introduce our team of Japanese proofreaders and translators. For every issue, each member is assigned to check a Japanese abstract for the Feature Article (FA) and Readers’ Forum (RF) columns as well as the Foreword. They then send the abstracts to our associate editor, Kazuko Sako, for further checking. After a third check, I send them to the TLT editors. Thanks to our teamwork, we can perform this process very promptly and efficiently. We also edit Japanese Feature and Readers’ Forum articles. This process, involving reviews by two peer-reviewers, takes longer but we would like to encourage TLT members to submit Japanese articles, which are surely beneficial and insightful to TLT readers.
In this month’s issue, we start with two FA articles and RF articles. The first Feature Article by James Bury titled The Effects of Difference Discourse Moves on Students’ Oral Output. This article investigated the effect of 10 different discourse moves on students’ oral output when used in English conversation classes in a Japanese university.
In the second FA article, Robert Long reveals in his article, Comparing Authentic and Scripted Language Listening Comprehension in University-Level EFL Learners, that investigating the significant differences on tests of authentic language (AL) or scripted language (SL), Japanese EFL learners scored higher on SL multiple choice tests than on AL tests on average.
In the first Readers’ Forum column, Brian Rugen suggests in his article, Verbal Aggressiveness and Hate Speech: New Considerations for Study Abroad Students, how students preparing to study, or participate internships abroad in the U.S., can deal with verbal aggressiveness, including hate speech, that are escalating political and racial tensions across the U.S.
The second Readers’ Forum by Josef Siegel, Notetaking in ELT: A Focus on Simplification, demonstrates the pedagogic steps used in the classroom and shares samples of student work as well as student reactions to the innovative approach to notetaking in EAP courses, the Teaching Cycle for Simplification.
We are also experiencing some changes at TLT. We are very sorry to tell you that Eric Shepard Martin is leaving TLT. We would like to show our appreciation to Eric for his hard work and sincere attitude as a TLT editor. Unfortunately he will be no longer involved in TLT. Let’s welcome our new editor, Nicole Gallagher, who will be transitioning from My Share.
As always, I would like to thank all of the copyediting and proofreading volunteers who constantly work hard to provide high-quality articles to the TLT readers. We sincerely hope that you find this issue enjoyable and helpful! Finally, and most importantly, please take care of yourself during this busy time of the school year.
— Toshiko Sugino, TLT Japanese Language Editor
TLTの日本語編集者として、和文校正・翻訳チームを紹介させてください。隔月毎にチーム全員が、Feature Articles (FA)やReaders’ Forum (RF)やForewordのいずれかの日本語要約をチェックし、迫和子副編集長に送ります。私が3回目のチェックをした後に、TLTの編集長に送ります。良好なチームワークのお蔭で、一連の作業を非常に迅速に効率よく仕上げることができます。我々はまたFAやRFに投稿された日本語原稿もチェックします。このチェックの過程は、2人の日本語査読者による査読が入るので、出版に至るまで数か月かかります。日本語論文は、学習者や教授法が英語論文とは異なっている場合が多いので、TLTの読者にとって大変有益なものになります。会員の皆様の積極的な投稿を期待しております。
本号ではFeature ArticleとReaders’ Forum が2本ずつ掲載されています。1つ目のFeature Article はJames Bury のThe Effects of Difference Discourse Moves on Students’ Oral Outputです。この論文は、日本の大学における英会話の授業で、10の異なるディスコースムーブ(話し手が会話の流れを生み出すために何をどう述べるかを選択していく談話手法)がどのように学生の発話に影響を与えるのかを調査したものです。
2つ目はRobert LongのComparing Authentic and Scripted Language Listening Comprehension in University-Level EFL Learnersです。この論文では日本人大学生のリスニング力を、オーセンティック・ランゲージ(AL)とスクリプト・ランゲージ(SL)のテストで調査したところ、SL多肢選択テストの得点の方がALテストよりも平均して高かったという結果が出ました。
Readers’ Forumの1つ目では、Brian RugenがVerbal Aggressiveness and Hate Speech: New Considerations for Study Abroad Studentsの中で、アメリカ合衆国内での政治的、民族的緊張を高めるヘイトスピーチを含む言語的攻撃に、将来的に留学や海外インターンシップに臨む日本人学生達が対処できるような提案を行っています。
2つ目のReaders’ Forumでは、Notetaking in ELT: A Focus on Simplificationの中で、Josef Siegelが“The Teaching Cycle for Simplification”と呼ばれる 、ノートテーキングに関する革新的指導法を使った指導の手順、生徒のノートの例、および生徒の反応について述べています
TLTの役割担当が代わります。大変残念ながらTLTの編集を担当してくださったEric Shephard MartinがTLTを去ることになりました。誠実な仕事ぶりに感謝の意を表したいと思います。惜しいことに彼は他のTLTの仕事にも関わらないようです。TLTのMy Share.を担当して下さったNicole Gallagherが後任になりますので、彼に歓迎の意と期待を表したく思います。
いつもの事ながら、TLTの読者に質の高い論文や情報を提供し続けてくださるcopyeditingやproofreading のボランティアの皆様に感謝の意を表したいと思います。本号が皆様にとって楽しく有意義なものになりますように。終わりに、授業が始まってお忙しくなった皆様のご健康をお祈りしたく思います。
— Toshiko Sugino, TLT 日本語編集長