Issue No.: 
Groups audience: 
The Language Teacher

In this month’s issue . . .

Akemashite omedetou gozaimasu and Happy New Year! Although it’s already 2019, I think a lot of us are still processing what occurred in 2018. It was quite an eventful year in regards to global politics, women’s rights movements, rapid climate change, and issues in the education sector in Japan. There was also the 44th JALT International Conference in Shizuoka. For those of you who attended or presented, you probably agree that it was a stellar success and a fruitful occasion to network and share ideas. Here’s hoping that 2019 brings some positive changes in the lead up to the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games and, at least for me, a riveting final season of Game of Thrones.

There were, of course, significant changes here at TLT too. Caroline Handley has moved on from her position as assistant editor and has taken over Jerry Talandis’ position as JALT’s Publications Board Chair. The lovely Peter Ferguson has taken replaced Caroline as Assistant Editor for TLT. In addition, Gerry McLellan has moved on to the role of TLT Advisor. He will be missed as a dedicated member of the editorial team here at TLT to the point that it even pains me to announce that I will be replacing him! In any case, I should probably introduce myself. As a former copyeditor for TLT and occasional peer reviewer, I’m just another masochistic volunteer who finds her work rewarding. I’m Antonija Cavcic and like Gerry, I’ve lived and worked here for a while. I certainly hope that I’m as well-versed in poetry as he is!

Introductions aside, let’s take a look at some of the highlights of this issue. We have one Feature Article and two Readers’ Forum articles for you to read at your leisure. Firstly, in his Feature Article, MacPaul Hirata introduces an essential cover letter wordlist for L2 learners which was compiled from a corpus of 400 cover letters. Not only the findings, but also the teaching tips offered are invaluable for teachers at university. In Readers’ Forum, Robert O’Mochain discusses the #MeToo movement’s impact in Japan and suggests how educators can raise awareness through activities and educational initiatives. To follow, Josef Williamson responds to Davey Young’s article on turn-taking models in Volume 42(3) of TLT and highlights the significance of pragmatics as a major factor influencing turn-taking practices.

Aside from the Features and pieces in Readers’ Forum, don’t forget there’s our regular TLT Interview column, as well as plenty of tips, tricks, reviews, and news to read. Stay warm, folks. Winter has come!

— Antonija Cavcic, TLT Coeditor



もちろんTLTにおいても大きな変化がありました。Caroline Handleyが副編集者を退き、Jerry TalandisのJALT Publications Board Chairの役職を引き継ぎました。また、素晴らしいPeter FergusonがCarolineのTLT副編集者の仕事を引き継ぎ、加えて、Gerry McLellanがTLTアドバイザーへと移動しました。ここTLT編集チームの献身的なメンバーだった彼がいなくなるのは残念で、私が彼の後を引き継ぐことをお知らせするのは申し訳ないほどです。いずれにせよ、少し自己紹介をしなければいけませんね。私はAntonija Cavcicと申しますが、以前からTLTのcopy editorとして、また時には査読者として、このやりがいのある仕事を自虐的とも言えるほど多く引き受けて来たボランティアの1人です。Gerryと同様に私もしばらくこちらに住み、勤務しております。私も彼と同じように詩心があればと思います。

さて、自己紹介はさておき、今回のハイライトをいくつか見てみましょう。Feature ArticleとReaders’ Forumの記事は、それぞれ楽しみながらお読みいただける内容になっています。まずMacPaul HirataのFeature記事では、400のカバーレターのコーパスから蓄積された第2言語学習者にとって不可欠な単語リストの導入を行なっています。その調査結果だけでなく授業法の提案も、大学教員にとって非常に価値のあるものです。Readers’ Forumでは、Robert O’Mochainが日本での#MeToo運動の効果を論じ、活動や教育的取り組みで意識を高める方法を提案しています。そして、Josef Williamsonが、TLT 42(3)号のDavey Youngの話者交替に関する記事を受けて、話者交替練習に影響を及ぼす主な要因としての語用論の重要性に焦点を当てています。

FeatureやReaders’ Forumの記事に加え、定例のInterviewコラム、数多くの助言や方法、書評、ニュースも忘れずにお読みください。寒さに備え、どうぞ暖かくしてお過ごしください。

— Antonija Cavcic, TLT Coeditor