In this month’s issue . . .
Welcome to the May/June 2018 issue of TLT. During the graduation season in March, many of us teachers experienced many farewells. However, as the new school year started in April, we here at TLT hope you have had a wonderful start to the new academic year, and that you have already spent a fulfilling time with your new students and colleagues. As the TLT Japanese editor, let me introduce our team of Japanese proofreaders and translators. For every issue, each member is assigned to check a Japanese abstract for the Feature Article and Readers’ Forum columns as well as the Foreword. They then send the abstracts to our associate editor, Kazuko Sako, for further checking. After a third check, I send them to the TLT editors. Thanks to our teamwork, we can perform this process very promptly and efficiently. We also edit Japanese Feature and Readers’ Forum articles. This process, involving reviews by two peer-reviewers, takes longer but we would like to encourage TLT members to submit Japanese articles that are beneficial and insightful to TLT readers.
In this month’s issue, we start with a Feature Article by Wendy Tada titled Understanding Pre-Service Teachers’ Familiarity and Interest in Phonics and Potential Implications. The results of the survey, investigating 86 freshmen at a national university, showed that most participants did not learn phonics before entering university, and admitted they had trouble reading new English words. The journal comments that students submitted revealed participants gained an awareness of their own pronunciation skills and an understanding of the key points of phonics and how it can be taught using songs.
In the Readers’ Forum section of this issue, Dave Young discusses Contrastive Models for Turn-Taking in English and Japanese. With a brief outline of turn-taking mechanics, the author provides contrastive models for turn-taking in English and Japanese. Some recommendations for EFL classroom instruction, and a call for greater sensitivity to this fundamental aspect of communicative competence, are also provided.
We are also experiencing some changes at TLT. We would like to show our appreciation to Steve Fukuda for his long and hard work on the Recently Received column of TLT. He is leaving to become Book Reviews editor for JALT CUE SIG’s journal. Sadly for me, I have to say goodbye to Junko Noudomi, a member of the Japanese proofreading team. We thank her very much for her long time of dedicated work for TLT.
As always, I would like to thank all the copyediting and proofreading volunteers who constantly work hard to provide high-quality articles to the TLT readers. We sincerely hope that you find this issue enjoyable and helpful! Finally and most importantly, please take care of yourself at this busy time of the school year.
—Toshiko Sugino, TLT Japanese Language Editor
TLTの2018年5/6月号へようこそ。3月の卒業シーズンには多くのお別れを経験しなければなりませんでした。しかし、新学期が始まった4月には、皆様新学期を順調にスタートさせ、新しい生徒や同僚と充実した日々を送っていらっしゃると思います。TLTの日本語編集者として、和文校正・翻訳チームを紹介させてください。毎月、メンバーの各々がFeature Articles (FA)やReaders’ Forum (RF)やForewordのいずれかの日本語要約をチェックし、迫和子副編集長に送ります。私が3回目のチェックをした後に、TLTの編集長に送ります。チームワークのお蔭で、一連の作業を非常に迅速に効率よく仕上げることができます。我々はまたFAやRFの日本語投稿原稿もチェックします。このチェックの過程は、2人の日本語査読者による査読が入るので、出版に至るまで数か月かかります。TLTの読者にとって大変有益で洞察力が増しますので、会員の皆様に日本語論文を投稿してくださるようお願いいたします。
本号のFeature Articleは、Wendy TadaのUnderstanding Pre-Service Teachers’ Familiarity and Interest in Phonics and Potential Implicationsです。この論文は、ある国立大学の1年生86名を対象に調査した結果、ほとんどの参加者は大学入学前にフォニックスを習得しておらず、英語の新しい単語を読むのに苦労していることが判明しました。生徒が提出した日誌のコメントから、参加者は自分の発音技術について自覚し、フォニックスの要点と、歌を使ってそれをどのように教えるかを理解したと結論づけることができました。
Readers’ Forumでは、Dave YoungがContrastive Models for Turn-Taking in English and Japaneseの中で、話者交替の働きについての概要を説明した後に、英語と日本語での話者交替の対照モデルを提示しています。日本の英語学習者に話者交替を教える際にクラス内で推奨されるいくつかの教授法と、話者交替というコミュニケーション能力の重要な一面に対するより細やかな配慮への必要性についても述べられています。
TLTの役割担当が代わります。TLTのRecently Received columnを長年担当していたSteve FukudaがJALT CUE SIG’s JournalのBook Reviews editorの方に移ることになりました。彼の永年の貢献に感謝を述べたいと思います。また、特に私にとって残念なことに、納富淳子さんが日本語和文校正チームを辞められることになりました。長きにわたって真面目にチームに貢献してくださった納富さんにお礼申し上げます。
—Toshiko Sugino, TLT Japanese Language Editor