Issue No.: 
Groups audience: 
The Language Teacher

In this month’s issue . . .

Welcome to the September/October 2017 issue of TLT. I’ve always found this to be the most challenging time of year, with everyone’s minds still struggling to switch back from summer vacation mode. Hopefully this issue will provide some of the inspiration you need to get back into the teaching mode, despite the lingering summer heat.

First up we have two Feature Articles. We begin with Tomoko Yabukoshi and Kazue Kato, who examine both the positive impacts and challenges of a program to aid independent student learning in their article Facilitating Japanese College Students’ Autonomous Learning Outside the English Classroom. This is followed by Akira Iwata’s article Developing Contextually Sensitive Free Writing Pedagogy: Transitioning from a Product Approach to a Process Approach. Here, Iwata lays out how a student needs analysis lead to using writing models can help lower level students complete their writing tasks.

Next we have the Readers’ Forum. In The Role of Student-Led Social Media use in Group Dynamics, Luke Lawrence shows how student-created social media groups can positively impact the classroom. Also, In Interview Testing: A Basis for Preparing Non-English Majors for Study Abroad, Julyan Nutt outlines how student questionnaires were used to evaluate a university’s study abroad preparations and suggests potential improvements.

Also, don’t forget to check out <http://jalt-publications.org/tlt> for online-exclusive content as well as past issues of TLT full of useful classroom research articles, interviews with respected researchers, and practical ideas for lessons and professional development. Chances are that almost any question or concern that you have about teaching have been addressed at some point. And if they haven’t, why not contact one of our editors with a request for a future article on the topic, or even submit your own? And speaking of editors, I would like to thank outgoing column-editor Charles Moore for his work helping to set up the Writers’ Workshop column, your work has helped many aspiring writers (myself included) gain insight into academic publishing and support their development.

Philip Head, TLT Coeditor


最初に2つのFeature Articleを掲載します。まず、Tomoko YabukoshiとKazue Katoが、Facilitating Japanese College Students’ Autonomous Learning Outside the English Classroomで、学生の自律学習を支援するプログラムのプラスの影響と困難さについて検討します。次に、Akira Iwataが、Developing Contextually Sensitive Free Writing Pedagogy: Transitioning from a Product Approach to a Process Approachで、学生のニーズ分析をし、作文の模範例を示すことで、習熟度が低い学生も作文を完成させることができるようになることを説明します。 

Readers ForumではLuke Lawrenceが、The Role of Student-Led Social Media Use in Group Dynamicsで、学生が作ったソーシャルメディアグループが、どのように授業にプラスの影響を与えるかについて述べます。また、Julyan Nuttが、Interview Testing: A Basis for Preparing Non-English Majors for Study Abroadで、学生へのアンケートを利用した大学の海外留学準備プログラム評価方法を説明し、改善の可能性を示唆します。

また、オンラインのみに掲載される記事はもちろん、有用な授業関連の研究論文、著名な研究者へのインタビュー、授業のための実用的なアイデアや専門能力開発など様々な記事が掲載されているTLTのバックナンバーを、<http://jalt-publications.org/tlt>で忘れずにチェックしてください。皆様の教育に関する質問や関心事のほとんどは、どこかに掲載されている可能性が高いと思います。もしまだであれば、掲載するよう編集者に連絡をください。または、ご自分でそのような記事を投稿してください。編集者と言えば、コラム編集から引退するCharles Mooreに感謝の言葉を述べたいと思います。CharlesはWriters’ Workshopというコラムを立ち上げるのに尽力し、私を含めて多くの論文執筆希望者が、論文発表への洞察力を得、研究者として成長するよう支援してくれました。

Philip Head, TLT Coeditor