Issue No.: 
Groups audience: 
The Language Teacher

In this month’s issue . . .

Welcome to the May/June 2017 issue of TLT. We at The Language Teacher hope you have had a fantastic start to the new academic year, and continue to find inspiration for your classes from all our columns. My role as TLT Assistant Editor means that I am particularly involved with the JALT Praxis and Focus columns, so I would like to take this opportunity to remind you not to forget the great content that follows our academic articles each issue. I organise the copyediting and proofreading of our regular columns, so I am lucky enough to enjoy working with this team, and also the TLT column editors, on every issue. I also guide new proofreading and copyediting volunteers through the training process. Last year I set up the new TLT Interviews column, which was an immensely satisfying experience, and now that it is in James Nobis and Torrin Shimono’s capable hands, I really enjoy reading it every issue. Such “promotion” from the copyediting and proofreading team means that we are always looking for new members, so if you would like to get involved, please contact the editors, and start training with me. Volunteering with TLT is rewarding, fun, and a great way to enhance your CV! 

In this issue we start with two thought-provoking Feature Articles examining effective classroom activities. In the first, Investigating the Effects of Short In-class Extensive Reading on Improving English Proficiency, Mitsuko Tanaka uses a standardized placement test to compare the impact of supplementing classes with graded reading or dictogloss, concluding that both activities can be equally beneficial for English language learning. In the second, General English or ESP for Liberal-Education? What Students Want and Why, Mark Rebuck surveys pharmacy students at his university about their teachers’ various approaches to the English language curriculum. He concludes that a mix of General English and ESP is preferable to focusing exclusively on either one, as students appreciate they need to learn the English of their major but may find this too difficult without also spending time practicing basic English skills. In his Readers’ Forum article, Delving into Dysfluency: Identifying the Most Problematic Issues of Japanese Learners, Robert W. Long III investigates the factors affecting the speaking fluency of low intermediate level EFL students, finding that the main issue was the amount students actually say in English, but also that higher speaking rates resulted in both greater fluency and disfluency. 

Following on from our academic articles we have a fascinating interview with J. D. Brown, who talks about classroom assessment and why and how it should differ from norm-based testing, plus some great ideas for teaching activities in My Share, as well as columns discussing technology, young learners, academic writing and much more. 

To end, I would like to thank all the copyediting and proofreading volunteers, past and present, whose important work may go unnoticed by our readers, but whose commitment is vital to keeping TLT looking as good as possible each issue, and wish you all a very happy Golden Week.

Caroline Handley, TLT Assistant Editor

TLTの2017年5/6月号へようこそ。皆様は新学期を順調にスタートされたことと思いますが、これからもTLTの様々な記事が、皆様の授業のアイデアにつながる刺激になるよう、TLTスタッフ一同切望しております。TLT Assistant Editorである私は、特にJALT PraxisやFocusの編集に関わっていますが、この機会に、毎号の学術記事の後に続くこれらのコラムもぜひ読んでいただきたいと思います。定期コラム原稿の編集、校正作業を企画整理することも私の仕事ですので、各コラム編集者を含むすべてのTLTスタッフチームと仕事を共有できるのは私の大きな喜びでもあります。また、proofreadingやcopyeditingのボランティアスタッフの研修もしております。昨年、私はTLT Interviewsというコラムを立ち上げましたが、それは、私にとって非常に満足のいく経験になりました。現在は、優秀なJames NobisとTorrin Shimonoに引き継ぎすることができ、毎号楽しみにその記事を読んでいます。このように、copyeditingやproofreadingのチームからコラム編集者への「昇進」は、我々が常に新メンバーを探していることを意味しますので、ご自分も試してみたいと思う方は、編集チームに連絡し、私と一緒に訓練を始めてください。TLTでのボランティア活動は、やりがいがあり、おもしろく、履歴書の質を上げるのにも役立ちます。

今月号では、有効な授業内容を検証する2本の示唆に富むFeature Articleを掲載しています。まず、Mitsuko Tanakaが、Investigating the Effects of Short In-class Extensive Reading on Improving English Proficiencyで、標準プレースメントテストを使い、段階別読本とディクトグロス(教育法の1つ)での授業補足の効果を比較し、どちらの方法も英語学習に同様に役に立つと結論づけています。次のGeneral English or ESP for Liberal-Education? What Students Want and Whyでは、Mark Rebuckが、彼の大学の薬学部学生が履修している英語科目群の担当教員の様々なアプローチについて調査しています。Rebuckは、どちらかの方法に集中するより、一般英語とESPの混合が学生には好まれると結論づけています。学生たちは専攻に関する英語を学ぶ必要性を理解しているが、基礎英語の勉強にある程度時間をかけないと、専門英語は難しすぎると感じているというのがその理由です。Readers’ ForumのDelving into Dysfluency: Identifying the Most Problematic Issues of Japanese Learnersでは、Robert W. Long IIIが、初中級のEFL学生のスピーキング能力に影響する要素について研究し、学生が実際に英語で話す量が主な問題点であり、また発声速度が早くなると、結果として流暢性と非流暢性の両方に影響すると述べています。

学術論文の後に続くインタビュー記事では、J. D. Brownが、授業評価について、標準的なテストとは、なぜどのように違うのかを説明しています。また、My Shareや technology, young learners, academic writing を扱うコラムなどでは、教授法に関するいくつかの優れたアイデアをご紹介します。


Caroline Handley, TLT Assistant Editor

Retraction • 撤回のお知らせ

The article entitled "Time for a fresh coat of new paint on the blacklist of Japanese universities", published in October 2009, has been retracted by the editors of The Language Teacher in consultation with the JALT Board of Directors. We are unable to confirm the identity of the author. We apologize for the error. 2009年10月に出版されたTime for a fresh coat of new paint on the blacklist of Japanese universitiesと題する記事は、JALT理事会と協議の上、The Language Teacher の編集者によって撤回されました。著者の身元の確認がとれないためです。ここに手違いをお詫び致します。