Issue No.: 
Groups audience: 
The Language Teacher

In this month’s issue . . .

Welcome to the September/October 2016 issue of TLT. We here at TLT hope that the summer break was filled with great relaxation and quality time with friends and family. As we gear up and kick off the new semester, we bring you a new issue bursting with new ideas and topics to help you get back into the swing of things. 

This month’s Feature Article brings us Do Japanese Medical Students Benefit from English Etymological Instruction? by William MacDonald, in which he shares his results in problematizing the effectiveness of etymological instruction for Japanese medical students. In our Readers’ Forum, Hatsuko Itaya discusses her research and experience in maximizing English exposure and interest to Japanese high school students in Turning the Japanese High School Homeroom Period into an Opportunity to Communicate in English

Last, but certainly not least, our Praxis section is a wealth of classroom-oriented ideas, tips, and advice. We at TLT endeavor to bring you the best content, in quality and variety, which is reflective of the range, diversity, and exploratory nature of our readership. 

NPO JALT Board of Directors Elections

Also in the back of this issue in JALT Notices are the the candidate statements for the upcoming NPO JALT Board of Directors elections. This year, all voting will be done online and JALT members will receive an email in late September detailing how to do this. Please show your support for the candidates for these important positions by voting for them.

As always, we appreciate the hard work and dedication of all our volunteers at TLT. Currently, TLT is looking for more volunteers to work on the production team as copyeditors and proofreaders. Training is provided, and opportunities often arise for editor positions. If you are interested, please contact us at tlt-editor-at-jalt-publications.org. We look forward to hearing from you. In the meantime, Happy Reading!

John Roberts

TLT Editor

TLT 2016年9月/10月号にようこそ。私共TLTスタッフは、皆様が夏休みの間大いにリラックスし、ご友人やご家族と質の高いひとときをもたれたことと確信しております。新学期の準備を整え走り出す為に、新しいアイデアやトピック満載の今月号をお届けします。

Feature Articleでは、William MacDonaldが、Do Japanese Medical Students Benefit from English Etymological Instruction?の中で、EI (Etymological Instruction:語源教育)の効果を問い、その結果を共有しています。Readers' ForumではHatsuko Itayaが、Turning the Japanese High School Homeroom Period into an Opportunity to Communicate in Englishの中で、日本の高等学校の生徒の関心や英語に触れる機会を最大にする研究と経験について述べます。



また、本号巻末のJALT Noticesに、NPO JALT 理事選挙候補者の所信表明を載せております。今年度はすべての投票がオンラインになりますので、JALT会員の皆様には9月末にオンライン投票の仕方をご連絡致します。皆様が一票を投じることで、重要な役職を担う候補者の支援になりますのでどうぞ宜しくお願い致します。


John Roberts

TLT Editor