In this month’s issue . . .
Welcome to the July/August 2016 issue of TLT. Most of us are currently in the middle of our semesters and gearing up for the summer break. We hope that classes wrap up nicely and that the coming weeks are a time of relaxation and creative rejuvenation.
We here at TLT would like to take this time to express our thoughts and well-wishes to the people in Kumamoto, who suffered severe earthquakes on April 14 and 16. We hope residents and volunteers remain safe and healthy during this important time of rebuilding.
This month’s Feature Article brings us An Edited Version of the First Eight 1,000-Word Frequency Bands of the Japanese-English Version of the Vocabulary Size Test, by Stuart McLean, Tomoko Ishii, Tim Stoeckel, Phil Bennett, and Yuko Matsumoto, in which the authors discuss the quality and shortcomings of the Vocabulary Size Test. In our Readers’ Forum, Jeff Mehring and Regan Thomson explore various study skills to help improve memory storage and retrieval strength, and ways of incorporating them in the classroom, in Brain-Friendly Learning Tips for Long-term Retention and Recall.
Last, but certainly not least, our Praxis section is a wealth of classroom-oriented ideas, tips, and advice. We at i endeavor to bring you the best content, in quality and variety, which is reflective of the range, diversity, and exploratory nature of our readership.
As always, we appreciate the hard work and dedication of all our volunteers at TLT. Currently, TLT is looking for volunteers to work on the production team as copyeditors and proofreaders. Training is provided, and opportunities often arise for editor positions. If you are interested, please contact us at <>. We look forward to hearing from you. In the meantime, Happy Reading!
John Roberts, TLT Editor
本号のFeature Articleでは、Stuart McLean、Tomoko Ishii、Tim Stoeckel、Phil Bennett、Yuko MatsumotoがAn Edited Version of the First Eight 1,000-Word Frequency Bands of the Japanese-English Version of the Vocabulary Size Testの中で、語彙サイズテストの良い点と欠点について論議しています。Readers’ Forumでは、Jeff MehringとRegan Thomsonが、Brain-Friendly Learning Tips for Long-term Retention and Recallの中で、記憶の保持力・回復力を向上させるための様々な学習スキルを研究し、それらを授業に導入する方法にも触れています。
最後に、JALT Praxisには、授業用のアイディアや助言がたくさん用意されています。広範囲で多様な分野で活躍され、また探究心にあふれたTLTの読者の皆様を対象にした質・量ともに最良な内容を掲載しております。
John Roberts, TLT Editor