Issue No.: 
Groups audience: 
The Language Teacher

In this month’s issue . . .

40.1 TLTGreetings, and welcome to The Language Teacher’s March/April edition. This is a time of marking finals and preparing for the new academic year, and what better way to prepare than reading thought-provoking TLT articles?

First, as any student of language (or anything else for that matter) knows, it is not enough just to encounter a new word, but to be able to recall it when necessary. With this in mind, this issue’s Feature Article by James Bury compares three different methods of lexical retrieval, and concludes that expanded spaced retrieval (ESR) and uniform spaced retrieval (USR) techniques outperform massed retrieval (MR) methods.

Continuing on to the Readers’ Forum, Michael J. Crawford provides an overview of the important but often overlooked topic (particularly in the L2 context) of note taking. This is of particular importance as universities increasingly move to teaching content in an L2, such as English. Students are also increasingly studying abroad during their post-secondary education, and often require support to prepare for the experience. In order to help future study abroad students anticipate challenges and come up with strategies to deal with them, Erik Fritz and Junko Murao outline a method of designing materials based on real-life situations encountered by actual students studying abroad.

And if those excellent articles aren’t enough mental stimulation, you can always turn to the My Share column for many practical activities to use in your own classroom. And as always, if you have something that you would like to share with the teaching community, please send it our way.

Philip Head & Gerry McLellan, My Share Co-Editors


皆様こんにちは、そしてThe Language Teacher 3月4月号にようこそ。学期末試験の採点を終え、新年度の準備を始めるこの時期ほど示唆に富むTLTの論文を読むのにふさわしい時期はありません。

まず、言語学習者の誰もがわかっている様に、新出単語に出くわすだけでは十分ではなく、大切なことは必要な時にそれを思い出せる事です。今号のJames BuryのFeature Articleでは、前述した事柄を踏まえつつ、語彙検索に於ける異なる3つの手法を比較し、間隔伸張検索(ESR)と均一間隔検索(USR)法は、集中検索(MR)法にまさると結論づけています。

続いてReaders’ Forumでは、Michael J. Crawfordが、第二言語習得に於いて重要ではあっても、しばしば見落とされがちなノートテイキングについて概観します。これは英語などの第二言語で授業をする大学が増えていることもあるので、特に重要です。高校卒業後に留学する学生も益々増加し、そのサポート体制が必要とされています。これから留学する学生の予想される困難に対応する戦略を構築する為にErik FritzとJunko Muraoは、実際に留学生が遭遇した実生活状況に根差した教材デザイン法の概要を述べます。

上述の論文でまだ物足りなければ、いつでもMy Share をご覧下さい。クラスで実際に活用できるアクティビティが数多く掲載されています。そしていつもの様に、もし他の教師と共有されたい事柄があれば私たちのところにお送り下さい。

Philip Head & Gerry McLellan, My Share Co-Editors



In the January 2016 issue of The Language Teacher (Vol. 40, No.1), the name of one of the Readers’ Forum writers, Yo Hamada, was inadvertently misspelt on the cover. The editors sincerely apologise for this error. Please note that the online version of TLT has the correct listing.