In this month’s issue . . .
In this, your July/August issue of TLT, you can enjoy a Feature Article by Julia K. Harper, “Combining Movie Viewing and Guided Freewriting to Enhance Student Attitudes in a University Academic Writing Class,” describing how student motivation and writing skills both improved through the use of movies and freewriting tasks. In Readers’ Forum, we have two papers: Roy Morris gives us a rationale for the use of task-based materials for speaking assessment and improving student motivation, in his paper, “Building Success: Task-Based Speaking Tests in the Japanese Classroom”; and, Kevin M. Maher adds to the growing body of work and positive findings on the use of literature in the EFL classroom in his paper, “EFL Literature Circles: Collaboratively Acquiring Language and Meaning.” Finally, our sneak peek at what to expect at JALT2015 comes from Stephen Ryan’s interview of one our Plenary Speakers, Tomoko Yashima. All this great work can be enjoyed alongside our usual—but equally great—offerings from My Share, Book Reviews, TLT Wired, and Out the Box.
You will notice that more than a few things have changed in this TLT issue. Not only are we able to enjoy the new look and layout, but we have also made some big changes to our regular columns. I would like to thank some of our outgoing, long-standing column editors—SIG News’ Jennie Roloff-Rothman, Chapter Events’ Gary Wolff, Career Development Corner’s Michael Parrish, and David McMurray for Grassroots Outreach. Their volunteered time, commitment, and efforts have helped to make TLT the informative, engaging community builder and career developer that it needs to be. Thank you.
However, David McMurray will be rising, phoenix-like, to curate a new column. We also hope to see the Career Development Corner live on, online, and in our new section: JALT Praxis. The Praxis section was introduced last issue and will host some exciting, new, regular, and exceptional columns. The TLT team would like to formally welcome Writers’ Workshop and the JALT Peer Support Group to the fold after their first column last issue. From this issue, we also warmly welcome Mari Nakamura as the Young Learners’ column editor, and David McMurray with the Teaching Assistance column, and Dear TLT—your way to ask the collective hive-mind of the TLT family your practice, professional, and research questions.
As always, I give a big “thank you” to all the people involved in bringing each and every issue of TLT to you. They volunteer their time and expertise, their energy and enthusiasm, and their willingness to get involved. JALT has always aimed to improve the collective knowledge and potential of language educators. Helping us all grow and develop is a great thing. If you would like to help build our community and get involved—writing, curating, editing, reviewing—get in touch! We are looking forward to hearing from you.
Please enjoy this exciting, new (and familiar) issue of TLT.
Carol Borrmann-Begg, TLT Coeditor
TLT 7/8月号のFeature Articleでは、 Julia K. Harper が映画を使用した自由作文のタスクを使って、どのように学生の動機づけとライティング力の両方が向上したかを論議しています。Readers’ Forum ではRoy Morrisが、スピーキング評価や学生の動機づけ向上のためにタスクを使った題材の使用の論理的根拠を提示しています。 Kevin M. MaherはEFL教室で文学を使用している多くの例をあげ、その利点を紹介しています。最後にJALT2015の予告として、基調講演者の1人であるTomoko Yashimaのインタビューを、Stephen Ryanがいち早くお届けしています。これらの記事はすべて素晴らしいものですが、通常のMy Share、Book Reviews、Wired、 Outside the Boxなどもお楽しみ下さい。
本号では、少し変化をお感じになられたことだと思います。新しい表紙、レイアウトに加え、通常のコラムにも変化がありました。長くコラムを支えてくださったコラム編集長たち、SIG NewsのJennie Roloff-Rothman、Chapter EventsのGary Wolff、Career Development CornerのMichael Parrish、そしてGrassroots Outreach のDavid McMurray が職を離れました。彼らが費やしてくれた時間、責任感、努力のおかげで、TLTがより情報豊かで、人をひきつけ、コミュニティやキャリアの形成に役立つものになったことに感謝の意を表したいと思います。ありがとうございました。
一方、David McMurrayがフェニックスのように立ち上がり、新しいコラムを作ります。Career Development Cornerは、オンラインの新しいセクションであるJALT Praxisの中で存続するでしょう。このセクションは前号で紹介されましたが、斬新で定期的な、特別なコラムとなるでしょう。前号での初めてのコラムの後、Writers’ Workshopとthe JALT Peer Support Groupを正式にTLTチームの一員として迎えました。本号からMari Nakamura をYoung Learnersコラムの、またDavid McMurrayをTeaching Assistance コラムの、それぞれ編集者として迎えます。またDear TLTでは、読者の皆様の実践的・専門的な研究に関する質問に、団結力あるTLTチームがお答えします。
Carol Borrmann-Begg, TLT Coeditor