Issue No.: 
Groups audience: 
The Language Teacher

In this month’s issue . . .

In this month’s issue, we are pleased to introduce a wide selection of articles and ideas that embody the spirit of excellence in teaching and research which has been the driving force behind many successful JALT events. As you well know, it is also the start of a new academic year, and perhaps a change of location or position for some. We would like to wish you luck and success with your endeavors, whether it be improving on the past or making a bold, fresh start

Here, at The Language Teacher, we are welcoming in the new academic year with twelve of our most exceptional My Share articles, spanning a wide variety topics and levels. We start off as Brett Davies illustrates a method of using the time before and after study abroad to reflect and help prepare others for similar experiences, Chieri Noda proposes a way for learners to practice quickly locating information in research articles by building familiarity with their format and the relationships between ideas, Jim Chapman takes up the challenge of large classes and introduces an activity designed to invigorate large groups of students, and David H. Faulhaber offers us the novel idea of reformulative audio feedback as a compelling alternative to common revision practices. Next, Tetsuko Fukawa suggests a way to improve learners’ use of /r/ and /l/ based on pronunciation pyramids, Andy Hockersmith introduces a project designed to boost students’ spoken English output, and Tim Knight highlights how smartphones can be used to augment the first classes of the term. Then, David O’Flaherty explains how infomercials can aid presentations and group work, Tamatha Roman encourages learners to discuss environmental issues by examining their school’s facilities, Simon Thomas introduces ways to use video as a catalyst for presentations, Matthew Wilson brings our attention to TV commercials and their potential to stimulate both receptive and productive language skills, and finally Michelle Wong rounds off this innovative bunch with a fun group activity employing puppet theatre.

Also in this issue are three excellent Feature Articles. Study Abroad and Willingness to Communicate: A Case Study at Junior High School, by Adrian Leis, focuses on the interplay between a student’s interpersonal relationships and their experiences abroad. Understanding Teachers’ Attitudes Towards Young Learner Teaching: A Case Study, by Oliver Beddal, looks at how best practices may be established for teaching young learners in ELT management Finally, From Reading Books to Sharing Books: Going Beyond the Virtuous Circle of the Good Reader, by Kunitaro Mizuno, proposes a focus on dialogue between learners in an extensive reading program. In Readers’ Forum, Cooperative and Collaborative Learning in the Language Classroom, by Yoshitaka Kato, Francesco Bolstad, and Horinori Watari, draws our attention to the importance of working together. And last but not least, in Book Reviews Brad Perks gives us the scoop on Any Questions?

Jonathan Reingold, My Share Editor

Glenn Magee, TLT Associate Editor (former My Share co-editor)



本号では、幅広いトピックの、様々なレベルを対象としたMy Share の記事を12本ご紹介致します。まずBrett Daviesは同様の経験をする他学生の準備を手伝うために留学の前後の時間を使う方法を説明しています。Chieri Nodaは論文構成やアイディアの関係性の知識を深めることによって、研究論文で素早く情報を特定する方法を提案しています。Jim Chapmanは大人数のクラスの課題を取り上げ、大きなグループの学生を鼓舞する活動を紹介しています。David H. Faulhaberは普通の修正練習の代わりとなる説得力のある活動としてreformulative audio feedbackという新しいアイディアを提供しています。Tetsuko Fukawaは発音ピラミッドを使って/r/と/l/の発音を向上させる方法を提案しています。Andy Hockersmithは学生の英語発話アウトプットを増加させるプロジェクトを紹介しています。Tim Knightは新学期の第1回目の授業を改良するためのスマホ活用法を解説しています。David O’Flaherty はインフォマーシャルがいかに口頭発表やグループワークを助けるかを説明しています。Tamatha Romanは、学内設備を調査することにより環境問題に関する学習者の議論を促進しています。Simon Thomasは、口頭発表を促進させるものとして、ビデオを使う方法を紹介しています。Matthew Wilsonは、受容スキルと産出スキルの両方を刺激するためにテレビCMとその可能性に注目しています。最後に、Michelle Wongは、人形劇をする楽しいグループ活動を紹介して革新的な本号を締めくくっています。

さらに、本号のFeature Articlesは3本あり、まず、Oliver Beddalが、Understanding Teachers’ Attitudes Towards Young Learner Teaching: A Case Studyという題で、年少者に対する英語教育で、いかに最善の方法を確立するかについて論じています。次にAdrian Leisは、Study Abroad and Willingness to Communicate: A Case Study at Junior High Schoolという題で、学生の対人関係と彼らの海外での経験との相互作用に焦点を当てています。最後にKunitaro Mizunoが、From Reading Books to Sharing Books: Going Beyond the Virtuous Circle of the Good Readerという題で、多読プログラムでの学生間の対話に重点を置いています。Readers Forumでは、Yoshitaka Kato, Francesco Bolstad, and Horinori Watariが、Cooperative and Collaborative Learning in the Language Classroom という題で、協働で学習することの大切さを強調しています。最後に、Book Reviewsでは、Brad PerksがAny Questions? の書評を書いています。

Jonathan Reingold, My Share Editor

Glenn Magee, TLT Associate Editor (former My Share co-editor)