Issue No.: 
Groups audience: 
The Language Teacher

In this month’s issue . . .

Hello, and welcome to the final issue of The Language Teacher for 2014, arriving at your place just in time for the 40th Annual JALT International Conference in Tsukuba. As always, the conference organizers and presenters have been working tirelessly and enthusiastically to ensure that this year’s conference will be just as stimulating and rewarding as we’ve come to expect each year, and we at TLT would like to take this opportunity to show our deepest appreciation to all of you involved.

This issue, with interesting and insightful articles, starts with two feature articles. The first one is by Julia Christmas on creating professional development workshops for Japanese Elementary School Teachers, while David Ockert investigates Japanese junior high school students’ ideal L2 Selves relating to confidence, anxiety, and EFL willingness to communicate in English.

Meanwhile, in Readers’ Forum, Hiroko Yoshida shares an effective approach to extensive reading, with active involvement during sustained silent reading. 

This issue will be the last for our wonderful TLT coeditor David Marsh. We really appreciate a few years of his excellent leadership and dedication to TLT. We really wish a lot of good luck in his future course. Also, we thank Kristen Sullivan for her hard work for the Showcase column. Mitchell Fryer will be taking over from the next issue.

We hope you enjoy this issue of TLT. As the year comes to a close, we would like to wish you all a safe and happy holiday season, but most of all, we are looking forward to seeing you at the conference.

Toshiko Sugino, TLT Japanese Language Editor

皆様、2014年最終号のThe Language Teacher へようこそ。本誌は筑波で開催される第40回JALT年次大会の前に皆様のお手元に届くと思います。本年度の大会が例年と同様に刺激的で有意義なものとなり、皆様のご期待に応えられるように、開催委員会や発表者たちが努力を惜しまず準備を重ねています。この場をお借りして関係者の皆様に深く感謝の意を表したいと思います。

本号は皆様に興味と洞察にみちた記事としてまず2つのFeatureの論文を記載します。最初のFeatureはJulia Christmas氏による小学校英語担当の先生のためのワークショップ開発について、2番目のFeatureは、David Ockertによる中学生を対象に学習への動機と、コミュニケーションへの自信、不安、意欲(WTC)を分析した予備的研究報告です。Readers’ Forumでは、Hiroko Yoshida 氏が、授業内多読への積極的関与を通して多読への効果的なアプローチについて紹介しています。

本号は、TLTの編集を務めてくださったDavid Marsh氏の最後の号になります。3年間もの長きにわたり貢献度と素晴らしいリーダーシップに対し厚くお礼を申し上げます。またKristen Sullivan もShowcase column担当を終えますのでご苦労に対しお礼を申し上げます。Mitchell Fryer が新担当者として就任します


Toshiko Sugino, TLT Japanese Language Editor