To download a non-password protected PDF of all the articles by the JALT2014 Plenary and Featured Speakers, follow the link at the bottom of this page or go to [link].
In this month’s issue . . .
On behalf of the entire JALT 2014 conference team, we invite you to participate in our 40th annual international conference! This year’s conference will be held at the Tsukuba International Congress Center from Friday, November 21 to Monday, November 24. Our theme for JALT2014 is “Conversations Across Borders ” and we expect the 40th anniversary conference to be an exciting long weekend filled with hundreds of stimulating and informative presentations, workshops, and poster sessions dealing with all aspects of language teaching and learning. There will be plenty for you to talk about with other conference goers—from the innovative plenary talks given by Thomas Farrell, Bill Harley, Claire Kramsch, and Kimie Takahashi, to the informative workshops and presentations given by featured speakers Andy Boon, Miles Craven, Lesley Ito, Jeanne McCarten, Leslie Turpin, and Crayton Walker. We’re sure that there’ll be something for everyone at the conference—for teachers of children, for teachers of a language other than English, and for teachers working in any formal or informal educational context.
Spend a few hours browsing through the publishers’ booths, chatting with their knowledgeable representatives about the newest materials in language education. Stop at the SIG tables to meet old friends and perhaps to make new ones. And of course, relax and enjoy yourself at any of the weekend’s social events sponsored by various JALT groups and associate members.
In keeping with the theme of our conference, we encourage you to have conversations across borders—not only with the speakers and presenters from outside Japan, but also with those who may have different research and professional interests from your own. It’s often through conversations with others that we can gain deeper understanding of our values and beliefs, our teaching practices, and ourselves!
Please enjoy this special issue of TLT, which includes articles by and interviews with our plenary and featured speakers. We hope these papers pique your interest, and that you will take some time to go through the Conference Preview and visit our conference webpage at <> for more information. At the JALT website, you can register for the conference, book your hotel room, and locate all the events you want to join while you are at JALT2014.
We are looking forward to seeing you in Tsukuba in November! Let the conversations begin!
Peter and Diane, JALT2014 Conference Chairs
JALT2014大会実行委員会を代表して、第40回年次国際大会に皆様をお誘いします。今年度の大会は11月21日(金)から11月24日(月)まで、つくば国際会議場で開かれます。JALT2014のテーマは、“Conversations Across Borders (境界を越えた会話)”です。この40周年記念大会が、言語教育・学習の全ての分野を扱った刺激的で有益な発表やワークショップ、ポスターセッションにあふれる、心躍る長い週末になることを期待しています。皆様が他の大会参加者と様々な話題について話し合う機会も数多くあります。例えば、Thomas Farrell, Bill Harley, Claire Kramsch, Kimie Takahashiの各氏が創造力に富んだ基調講演を行います。また、招待講演者のAndy Boon, Miles Craven, Lesley Ito, Jeanne McCarten, Leslie Turpin, Crayton Walker が、有益なワークショップや発表を行います。児童教育の先生方や英語以外の言語教育の先生方を含めて、公式あるいは非公式に教えている全ての先生方が、この大会から何かを得られることと確信しています。
Peter and Diane, JALT2014 Conference Chairs
Welcome to this year’s special Pre-Conference Issue! If, like me, you can’t stand the summer heat, then this is just the thing to get you looking forward to the cool autumn weather and the annual JALT conference it heralds. In this bumper issue you can find short preview papers from JALT2014’s plenary and featured speakers—just enough to whet your appetite and give you a tantalizing insight into their diverse and exciting ideas.
In addition to the special content, we also have the usual mix of research and practical teaching ideas. In our Feature Article, Okon Effiong investigates the effectiveness of task repetition in enhancing second language fluency. Over in Readers’ Forum, Alexander Worth discusses his experiences using iBooks Author to produce course handouts, and Chit Cheung Matthew Sung interviews applied linguist Martin Dewey about his work on English as a lingua franca. As usual, My Share features an exciting mix of activities to spice up your classroom, with ideas from Jamie Sturges, Fern Edennohls, John Blake, and Kevin Axton. Meanwhile, in Book Reviews, Richard Miles shares his thoughts on How to Deliver a TED Talk.
This issue, we also have to say goodbye to our My Share editors, Chris Wharton and Donny Anderson. Thank you for all your hard work over the years. In their places, we welcome Glenn Magee and Jonathan Reingold. Best of luck with your new positions. As with all JALT’s activities, The Language Teacher wouldn’t be possible without the hard work of volunteer JALT members, and we really appreciate all the effort people put in. Thank you everybody!
David Marsh, TLT Coeditor
本号では特集記事に加えて、いつもの研究論文や実用的な教育のアイデアも掲載されています。今回のFeatureでは、Okon EffiongがL2能力向上を促すためのタスクの繰り返しの有効性について調査しています。Readers’ Forumでは、Alexander Worthが授業配布資料を作るためのiBooks Authorを使用した経験について議論します。Chit Cheung Matthew Sungは、応用言語学者のMartin Deweyに、共通言語としての英語に関する研究についてインタビューをします。いつものようにMy Shareでは、Jamie Sturges, Fern Edennohls, John Blake, Kevin Axtonの各氏が、皆さんの授業に役立つような数々の興味深い授業内活動を特集します。また、Book Reviewでは、Richard MilesがHow to Deliver a TED Talk に関する彼の考えを述べています。
今号がChris WhartonとDonny Andersonにとって、My Share の編集の最後の仕事になります。お二人の長年のご苦労に感謝を表します。編集を引き継ぐGlen MageeとJonathan Reingoldの活躍を祈ります。あらゆるJALTの活動と同様に、The Language Teacherも、無償で仕事をする熱心なJALT会員がいなければ成り立ちません。皆様のご尽力とご協力に感謝いたしております。
David Marsh, TLT Coeditor