Issue No.: 
Groups audience: 
The Language Teacher

In this month’s issue . . .

CoverHappy New Year! We hope that you will enjoy the first TLT issue of the year of the horse.

As you may remember from the SIG Special Issue last year, I prefer to keep these introductions short and sweet so that you can get reading as soon as possible, and to let the great papers we have in TLT speak for themselves. In this issue we have a Featured Article from Yo Hamada, The effectiveness of pre- and post- shadowing in improving listening comprehension skills. There are two Readers’ Forum papers, both related to the TOEIC: Renegotiating the TOEIC: A self-directed learning approach, by Tanya McCarthy, and Edward Sarich’s A guide to planning and executing a TOEIC preparation course. In Book Reviews, Mark Swanson reviews Vocabulary Power 3.

The My Share column for this issue has four more useful activities for your to try in your own classrooms: Bogdan Pavliy and R. Gregg McNabb use a simple point scoring game to motivate secondary school student, Motivational soccer; Free messaging apps in the classroom by Andrew Pollard introduces a brief fluency-focused speaking activity which utilises smartphone applications like LINE; Ian Willey’s Intelligibility in English presentations: A peer feedback task helps learners to build academic vocabulary and other less common or specialised word sets. The final article comes from Paul McAleese, Poster presentations with a twist. This activity helps learners improve listening and note-taking skills. 

The TLT is brought to you every other month by a team of hardworking volunteers, all of whom have a passion for language education and an interest in publishing. We are always looking for new people to join the team, and if you think that proofreading, copyediting, or even editing a column is something you would be interested in, please check our call for volunteers notice in this issue.

After the JALT National Conference, the editors completed our annual place change and will soon be officially welcoming a new Associate Editor to the team. Watch this space. This issue will also be the last for our wonderful Japanese Editor, Emika Abe. Please join me in saying a huge thanks you to her for all the wonderful and tireless work she has done for TLT over the years. Toshiko Sugino will be stepping up to take over the editorship. We wish her every success and are all looking forward to working more closely with her.

Carol Begg, TLT Coeditor


昨年のSIG特集号を覚えていらっしゃる方もおいででしょうから、挨拶は短くしておきます。さっそく本誌を読み、素晴らしい論文を楽しんでください。本号のFeatureでは、Yo Hamadaがリスニング力を向上させるためのシャドウイングについて論じています。Readers’ Forumでは、TOEICに関連した論文を2本掲載しています。Tanya McCarthyは自主学習モデルを紹介し、Edward Sarichは大学のTOEIC対策コースについて分析しています。Book Reviewsでは、Mark SwansonがVocabulary Power 3の書評を書いています。

My Shareでは、4つの役立つアクティビティを紹介しています。Bogdan Pavliy and R. Gregg McNabbは、高校生の動機づけを高める単純な得点記入ゲームを使い、Andrew PollardはスマートフォンのLINEなどのアプリを使った、流暢さに重点を置いたスピーキングアクティビティを紹介し、Ian Willeyは学術語彙や使用頻度が低い専門語彙の習得を助けるフィードバックタスクを紹介し、Paul McAleeseはリスニングとメモの取り方を向上させるポスタープレゼンテーションについて紹介しています。


JALTの年次大会の後、編集部では役職の交代を行いました。まもなく、新しい副編集長を正式に迎えることになるでしょう。また本号が、日本語編集長のEmika Abeの最後の号になります。長い間TLTのため献身的に素晴らしい仕事をしてくれたことに、心から感謝の意を表します。そしてToshiko Suginoが新日本語編集長として就任します。彼女の成功を願い、彼女と一緒に働くことを楽しみにしています。

Carol Begg, TLT Coeditor