Issue No.: 
Groups audience: 
The Language Teacher

In this month’s issue . . .

37.5tltMy first formal introduction to JALT, beyond receiving TLT in the post every other month, came courtesy of the CUE (College and University Educators) SIG. After attending the CUE 2011 Conference: Foreign Language Motivation in Japan, I quickly became one of the almost one thousand JALT members who also join a Special Interest Group. In fact, I am a member of two SIGs. Being involved in one (or more) of the 27 SIGs is a great way to meet like-minded educators, to share, to collaborate and, if you want, to take your first steps into speaking, workshopping, or publishing.

SIGs have their own lifecycle. They are constantly evolving, with their membership and the progresses made in their respective fields. Some SIGs are large, encompassing a variety of interests. Others are more focussed, with a core of enthusiastic people. All are part of the JALT family and are always happy to have new members.
As a means of getting to know the SIGs, and their work, a little better, this SIG Special Interest Issue features previously or soon-to-be published papers from eight SIGs, written by 10 authors: Judith Runnels for FLP (Framework and Language Portfolio), Reiko Yoshihara for GALE (Gender Awareness in Language Education), Craig Manning for GILE (Global Issues in Language Education), there are two papers by Caroline Ross and Yukiko Shimizu for LD (Learner Development), Simon Bibby and Tara McIlroy for LiLT (Literature in Language Teaching), Peter Russell for PALE (Professionalism, Administration and Leadership in Education), Guy Smith for TED (Teacher Education and Development), and Brian Strong for Vocabulary.

I will let the papers and their authors speak for themselves, giving some insight into the work and interests of each of these great groups. Hopefully these tidbits will whet your appetite and will encourage more JALT members to also become SIG members. There really is a SIG out there for everyone.

Carol Begg, TLT Associate Editor

私がTLT誌を2カ月ごとに受け取るだけではなく本格的にJALTに関わるようになったのは、CUE SIG(大学外国語研究部会)のおかげでした。SIG(Special Interest Group)に所属しているJALT会員は約千人いますが、私は “CUE 2011 Conference: Foreign Language Motivation in Japan” に参加した後すぐに、その1人となったのです。実は、私は2つのSIGグループのメンバーであります。27もあるSIGの1つ(または複数)に参加することは、同じ考えをもつ教育関係の方々と出会い、情報交換や共同研究をし、さらに望むなら、講演やワークショップ、出版への第一歩へとつなげられる素晴らしい方法です。
SIGとその研究内容をもっと知っていただくために、このSIG特集号では8つのSIGから10人の著者による既刊・近刊の論文を取り上げています。FLP(言語共通参照枠と言語ポートフォリオ研究部会)のJudith Runnels、GALE(ジェンダーと語学教育研究部会)のReiko Yoshihara、GILE(グローバル問題と言語教育研究部会)のCraig Manning、LD(学習者ディベロプメント研究部会)のCaroline RossとYukiko Shimizuによる2つの論文、LiLT(言語教育と文学研究部会)のSimon BibbyとTara McIlroy、PALE(教育におけるプロフェッショナリズム、運営、リーダーシップ研究部会)のPeter Russel、TED(教師教育研究部会)のGuy Smith、そしてVocabulary(語彙学習研究部会)のBrian Strongによる論文が、それぞれ掲載されています。

Carol Begg, TLT Associate Editor


In addition to our special SIG content, we have our usual mix of academic papers and practical ideas for the classroom. In our Feature Article, Harumi Kimura, by analysing feedback from learners, makes the case for task repetition. Meanwhile, in Readers’ Forum, Mark Seilhamer discusses the difficulties some Japanese learners of English have in conceptualizing themselves as members of the global English-speaking community, Joseph Falout describes how prospecting—imagining your future self—can be used to increase the motivation of second language learners, and Harumi Kimura reports from a conference celebrating the 40th anniversary of Larry Selinker’s hugely influential paper, Interlanguage.  
My Share features some great activities to kick off the return to school: Rory Rosszell shares an interactive activity for reviewing self-selected vocabulary, Chin-Wen Chien describes using authentic materials in the classroom, Jeremy McMahon offers game-like practice with vox pops for speaking skills, and Catherine Cheetham shows how students can create their own reading reference tools such as personal dictionaries. Finally, in Book Reviews, Takaaki Morioka takes a look at Messages from the Globe: National Geographic Multi-media Reading Course and Loran Edwards reviews Listening Lounge.
As always, a big thank you to all the volunteers at TLT who worked so hard to make this issue possible! Happy reading everyone!

David Marsh, TLT Coeditor

本号ではSIGの特集に加え、いつもの学術論文や教室で使える実践例も掲載されています。Feature Articleでは、Harumi Kimuraが学習者からのフィードバックを分析し、タスクの反復について論証します。一方、Readers’ Forumでは、Joseph Faloutが見通しを持つこと、つまり自分の将来像を想像することが、第2言語学習者の動機づけを高めるためにどう役立つかを説明します。さらにMark Seilhamerが、英語を学ぶ日本人が自分達を英語を話すグローバル社会の一員とみなす際にもつ問題を論じ、そしてHarumi Kimuraが、Larry Selinkerの大変影響力のある論文Interlanguageの出版40周年を祝う学会からレポートします。
My Shareでは、新学期の幕開けにふさわしい優れたアクティビティを取り上げています。まずRory Rosszellが、自分で選んだボキャブラリーを見直す相互アクティビティを紹介し、Chin-Wen Chienが実在のものを教材として使う方法について述べ、Jeremy McMahonがスピーキング・スキル向上のために、街頭インタビュー形式のゲーム感覚の練習法を提案し、そしてCatherine Cheethamが、学生が個人辞書のような自分専用のリーディングの参考ツールを作る方法を示しています。最後にBook Reviewsでは、Takaaki MoriokaがMessages from the Globe: National Geographic Multi-media Reading Course を紹介し、Loran Edwardsが Listening Loungeの書評を行います。

David Marsh, TLT Coeditor
