Issue No.: 
Groups audience: 
The Language Teacher


In this month’s issue . . .

Greetings and welcome to the May/June 2012 issue of TLT. How are your new classes? Teachers and students are now getting accustomed to a new academic year, enjoying a short break from school during Golden Week, and preparing to cope with the long and hot rainy season in June.

In our Feature articles, Masumi Tahira examinesMEXT’s new Course of Study Guidelines in terms of Communicative Language Teaching (CLT), and Mark Rebuck introduces the CI-slot approach, incorporating controversial issues into pre-existing lessons and investigates students’ reactions.

We have two articles in Readers’ Forum, Paul Tanner andJim Chapman firstexplain a 6-week poster presentation project, and next Scott Menking discusses exchange agreements between Japanese and foreign institutions for studying abroad programs.

In My Share, Germain Mesureur, Nathaniel French,Christopher Pulte, and Doreen Gaylord give some fresh ideas for the classroom. In the Book Reviews section, Chris Wharton reviews Seeds of Confidence and Mark Lewis provides a review of The Sixties: Activities for Students of English as a Second or Foreign Language.

We are grateful to the many contributors and production staff members who helped complete this issue. We hope that you find the content helpful and practical.

Emika Abe

TLTJapanese-Language Editor



本号のFeatureでは、Masumi Tahiraが、コミュニカティブ言語教育の観点から文部科学省の学習指導要領を検討し、Mark Rebuckは、既存の授業の一部に社会問題を取り入れる、「社会問題の広場」アプローチを紹介し、学生の反応も調査しています。

Readers’Forumでは、2つ記事のうち、Paul Tanner とJim Chapmanが6週間にわたるプレゼンテーションプロジェクトを説明し、Scott Menkingは、海外研修のための日本と海外の教育機関との交換協定について論じています。

My Shareでは、Germain Mesureur、Nathaniel French、Christopher Pulte、Doreen Gaylordの教室での使える新しいアイディアを紹介しています。また、Book Reviewsでは、Chris Wharton がSeeds of Confidence を、Mark Lewis がThe Sixties: Activities for Students of English as a Second or Foreign Languageを論評しています。



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