Issue No.: 
Groups audience: 
The Language Teacher


Welcome to the March/April edition of The Language Teacher. Spring is just around the corner, and with it many changes. As the days grow longer, and the snow starts to melt, many students are about to graduate and head out into the work world, while many others will be taking the next step in their school lives. At the same time, teachers are resetting and getting ready for the next school year. In this issue, we have a wide variety of engaging content to help you brush away the winter blues and feel refreshed and ready for the year ahead.

In the Feature section, Trevor Holster and Darcy Delint explore output tasks and their effect on vocabulary gains, while Dale Brown discusses online support systems for extensive reading and how they can help manage the tension between autonomy and institutional education. In Reader’s Forum, James Bury, Anthony Sellick, and Kyoko Yamamoto introduce a speech contest preparation course for high school students, while Chit Cheung Matthew Sung interviews George Braine about non-native speaker English teachers.

Also in this issue, we have My Share contributions from Brett Laybutt, Patrick Ng, Sasan Baleghizadeh and Golnar Ghaffarie, and N. Pratheeba, as well as two book reviews. Fredrick Shannon provides a review of American Headway Second Edition Level 3, and Miklos Juhasz reviews Q: Skills for Success Reading and Writing 2 and 3. You will also find plenty of stimulating and practical content in our regular columns, including our newest addition Outside the Box.

So, as you tie up the loose ends of the outgoing school year, and busily prepare for the next one, we hope you can find the time to take a well-deserved break and enjoy this issue of TLT.

Jason Peppard, TLT Coeditor



Featureでは、Trevor HolsterとDarcy Delintがアウトプットのタスクの語彙習得への効果を調査し、Dale Brownは多読用のオンラインサポートシステムが、自律と学校教育の間の緊張緩和にいかに役立つかを論じます。Reader’s Forumでは、James Bury、Anthony Sellick、Kyoko Yamamotoの3人が、高等学校スピーチコンテストに向けた対策コースを紹介し、Chit Cheung Matthew Sungは英語を母語としない英語教師に関して、George Braine にインタビューを行っています。

 また今月号では、Brett Laybutt、Patrick Ng、Sasan Baleghizadeh、Golnar Ghaffarie、N.PratheebaがMy Shareに寄稿していますが、それに加えて2つの書評も掲載されています。Fredric ShannonはAmerican Headway Second Edition Level 3 の書評を、Miklos JuhaszはQ:Skills for Success Reading and Writing 2 and 3 の書評を寄せてくれました。新しく始まったOutside the Boxや、その他いつものコラムでも、刺激になり実践にもつながる記事を数多くご覧いただけると思います。


Jason Peppard, TLT Coeditor