Issue No.: 
Groups audience: 
The Language Teacher

In this month’s issue . . .

Welcome to the March/April 2011 issue of TLT. This time of year is one of change. We can now start to look forward to the warmer spring months,as well as the start of a new academic year. These changes are also reflected in the ongoing development of JALT and TLT, with perhaps the most significant being the unveiling of our new JALT Publications website. Be sure to check out the many improvements on page 3 of this issue.We also have a special interview between our outgoing Publications Board Chair, Steve Brown, and our incoming Publications Board Chair, Ted O’Neill, both of whom are longstanding TLT volunteers. All the TLT staff would like to offer a sincere thank you to Steve for his great work over the years, as well as an equal measure of good luck to Ted in taking up the demanding role.

We begin with one regular Feature article by David Ockert who examines Japanese university student motivation and pedagogical activity preferences. We also have two Reader’s Forum articles. In the first article, Mark Fennelly and Robert Luxton discuss the impending introduction of English as a compulsory feature in elementary schools across Japan. The second article, an interview with Ema Ushioda by Joseph Falout, provides an interesting exchange of ideas related to the study of language learner motivation.

In order to help you prepare for the upcoming school year and all the changes it will bring, this issue of TLT is a My Share special issue. We have 14 My Share articles offering a wide range of interesting and useful activities. Catherine Cheetham brings Norman Rockwell artwork into the classroom, Bob Jones takes us inside the actors’ studio, and Eoin Jordan increases motivation through character creation. Dawn Kobayashi explores prepositions using Lego, Arthur Lauritsen introduces a vocabulary matching game, and Mario Leto has students looking at poetry. Students create name cards in Leigh McDowell’s lesson plan, Patrick Miller bans speaking in a writing composition lesson, and Robert Shoichi Murphy asks students to examine and talk about their emotions. Julian Pigott builds confidence through creative writing, James W. Porcaro sets up interviews with foreign students on campus, and Mark Gerrard and Jack Ryan get students asking questions about occupations. Finally, Graham Taylor introduces a useful tool for attendance taking, and James York helps students use quizzes to learn opposites. This issue’s collection of fun and creative My Share activities has something for everyone, and is sure to give you something useful to usher in the new school year.

We hope that this period of change will bring you much success and happiness in your teaching endeavours, and that TLT can continue to support your professional growth.

Damian Rivers, TLT Coeditor
Dax Thomas, My Share Editor

TLTの2011年3/4月号へようこそ。この時期は変化の季節です。暖かい春を待ちわび、新年度の始まりに胸を膨らませています。同様の変化が、常に発展し続けるわれわれJALTやTLTにも起こっています。もっとも大きな変化はJALT出版のウェブサイトが新しくなったことです。今月号のP.3で多くの改善点をご覧ください。また、これまで出版委員長を務めていたSteve Brownと、新しく出版委員長となるTed O’Neillのインタビューがあります。2人とも長い間TLTのボランティアを続けています。TLTスタッフ一同、長年のSteveの素晴らしい仕事に心から感謝すると共に、重責を引き受けてくれたTedのこれからの活躍を祈りたいと思います。

多くの新しいことが始まる新学期の準備のお手伝いとして、今月号はMy Share特集号です。興味深く役立つ、さまざまなアクティビティを紹介する14のMy Share記事が掲載されています。Catherine CheethamはNorman Rockwellの芸術作品を教室に持ち込み、Bob Jonesは私たちをアクターズ・スタジオへと誘い、Eoin Jordanはキャラクターを制作することにより動機づけを高めています。Dawn Kobayashiはレゴを使って前置詞を探求し、Arthur Lauritsenは語彙組み合わせゲームを紹介し、Mario Letoは学習者に詩を考察させます。Leigh McDowellは学習者に名刺を作らせる授業を提案し、Patrick Millerはライティングの授業で学習者に話すことを禁止し、Robert Shoichi Murphyは学習者に自分の感情について語らせます。Julian Pigottはクリエイティブ・ライティングを通して自信を構築し、James W. Porcaroはキャンパス内の留学生インタビューを設定し、Mark GerrardとJack Ryanは学習者に職業に関する質問を行わせます。最後に、Graham Taylorは出席を取るために役立つ方法を紹介し、James Yorkは反意語を学ぶためにクイズを用いています。今月号の楽しく独創的なMy Shareアクティビティ特集は、皆様にとって新年度を迎えるのに役立つヒントとなるでしょう。

My Share特集に加えて、FeatureではDavid Ockertが日本の大学生の動機づけと授業のアクティビティ嗜好を調査しています。Reader’s Forumでは2つの記事があり、まず、Mark Fennellyと Robert Luxtonが目前に迫った日本の公立小学校における英語教育の必修化について議論しています。また、Joseph FaloutはEma Ushiodaにインタビューし、言語学習者動機づけの研究に関して興味深い意見交換をしています。


Damian Rivers, TLT Coeditor

Dax Thomas, My Share Editor

